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Demand for expendables to glucose meters (scarificators, test strips), thermometers, gloves, tonometers and other medical products is always.

Who can lawfully realize medical products? Today they can be bought in specialized departments of shops, in drugstores, to receive on the Internet. When it is possible to hope that you will get a qualitative and safe medical product? What medical product needs to be got? What information upon purchase of a medical product has to be provided to the buyer? Let's consider all lawful options.

The list of sellers is rather limited to medical products.

So, Paragraph 7 of Article 55 of the Federal law of April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ "About drug circulation" the pharmaceutical organizations, the individual entrepreneurs having the license for pharmaceutical activity are given the right to get and sell, including a remote way, medical products.

Besides, since December 18, 2014 in connection with modification of "Rules of submission of notices of the beginning of implementation of separate types of business activity and accounting of the specified notices" and "The list of works and services as a part of separate types of business activity about which beginning of implementation by the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur the notice is submitted" (utv. the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.07.2009 No. 584) sale of medical products can be carried out by any legal entity or the individual entrepreneur after entering of the notice into the register which is maintained by Federal service on supervision with a health care field.

Appointment and invoicing of medical products is carried out by the attending physician of the medical organization and also the paramedic, the midwife in case of assignment of powers of the attending physician on them in the presence of medical indications.

Questions of appointment and invoicing of recipes to medical products (except for technical means of rehabilitation) at delivery of health care are in details reflected in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2012 No. 1181n "About the statement of an order of appointment and invoicing of medical products and also forms of prescription forms to medical products and an order of execution of the specified forms, their accounting and storage".

Recipes on medical products are written out on prescription forms of forms N 1-MI, N 2-MI, 3-MI.

The seller in drugstore or specialized department is obliged to inform in due time in an evident and available form the buyer the necessary and reliable information about goods and their manufacturers providing a possibility of a right choice of goods.

Information without fail has to contain:

description of goods;
trade name (name) and location (legal address) of the manufacturer of goods;
the location of the organization (organizations) authorized by the manufacturer (seller) for acceptance of claims from buyers and making repair and maintenance of goods;
data on number and date of the permission to use of such products in the medical purposes given by Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development in accordance with the established procedure;
data on its appointment, way and application conditions, action and the rendered effect, restrictions (contraindications) for use taking into account features of goods of a concrete type;
designation of standards to which mandatory requirements the goods have to conform;
data on the main consumer properties of goods;
rules and conditions of effective and safe use of goods;
warranty period if it is established for concrete goods;
service life or period of validity if they are established for concrete goods and also data on necessary actions of the buyer after the specified terms and possible consequences at non-performance of such actions if goods after the specified terms pose hazard to life, health and property of the buyer or become unsuitable for use to destination;
price and conditions of purchase of goods.

Sale of goods is regulated in the remote way "By rules of sale of goods in the remote way", approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.02.2007 No. 612.

Duty of the buyer is acquaintance with information on goods and its manufacturer, about purpose of a product and also about rules and conditions of its effective and safe use.

Information on goods is brought to the attention of the buyer in the technical documentation attached to goods on labels, by drawing marking or the different way accepted for separate types of goods.

The buyer needs to remember that he has the right to refuse goods before its transfer at any time, and after transfer of goods — within 7 days.

In case information on an order and terms of return of goods of appropriate quality was not provided in writing at the time of delivery of goods, the buyer has the right to refuse goods within 3 months after the date of transmission of goods.

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