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What is viagra?

As well as many things in our world, purpose of viagra was revealed absolutely accidentally. This drug the Pfizer company as heart drug which would promote inflow of blood to cardiac muscles, a lowering of arterial pressure, disposal of stenocardia thought.

The contact way is considered one of ways of transfer of a coronavirus of the new type causing COVID-19. In spite of the fact that as the main way of transfer of a virus the airborne, contact way of transfer also is recognized remains relevant and can lead to infection of the person, especially at high concentration of a virus on surfaces. In this article we will consider efficiency of various antiseptic agents concerning a coronavirus of new type.

Distribution of a new respiratory pathogen, such as virus of a heavy acute respiratory syndrome at a coronavirus of the 2nd type (SARS-CoV-2) is followed by uncertainty concerning its main epidemiological, clinical and virologic characteristics, in particular, of its ability to extend among the population and its virulence.

COVID-19 became the reason of unprecedented load of health care systems practically in all countries, with special consequences of this disease for work of offices of rentgenendovaskulyarny surgery. These consequences include change of standard practice of work with cardiological patients, patients with suspicion on COVID-19, and at those patients with COVID-19 which have or the heart diseases, or warm manifestations of this disease which are not connected with COVID-19. It is necessary to highlight that a situation with a pandemic rather dynamic and on it there are only limited data. Besides, conditions in this or that concrete clinic can differ considerably.

At most of patients of COVID-19 proceeds benign, but at elderly people and persons with associated diseases the serious illness demanding hospitalization and an intensive care can develop. The pathophysiology of a disease is provided in two distinctly crossed phases: initial pathogenic virus reaction which inflammatory reaction of varying severity and various clinical results follows. Pathological progressing at a severe form of COVID-19 includes the excess and unregulated pro-inflammatory tsitokinovy storm leading to immunopathological injury of lungs, diffusion damage of alveoluses with development acute respiratory a distress syndrome (ORZ) and to a lethal outcome.

In last article we investigated influence of a condition of a system of immunity on the course of a koronavirusny infection. Now we will talk about COVID-19 stages in terms of an immune response.

So, a number of researchers allocates the system of classification from three steps according to which COVID-19 has three stages with increase on severity which corresponds to concrete clinical indicators, reaction to therapy and a clinical outcome of a disease.

The new koronavirusny infection led to defeat of a considerable part of the population. In spite of the fact that the majority of cases of COVID-19 have an easy current, the considerable number of people had an infection of moderate severity or in a severe form. This fact dictates need of development of special programs of restoration for such patients.

Emergence of the heavy acute respiratory syndrome caused by a coronavirus of the second type (SARS-CoV-2) connected with a koronavirusny disease of 2019 (COVID-19) captured the whole world a pandemic and threw down a challenge to culture, economy and infrastructure of a health care system. In spite of the fact that from the moment of the beginning of a pandemic there passed already a lot of time, remains important that health care systems and doctors accepted the universal coordinated system for recognition of a stage-by-stage course of a disease of COVID-19 for the purpose of expansion and use of specific therapy which can save lives.

The disease caused by a coronavirus of new type of 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by SARS-CoV-2, rather recently developed coronavirus which was for the first time found in Wuhan (China), in December, 2019. Sequenation of a virus assumes that it is the beta coronavirus which is closely connected with the SARS virus. By definition, a symptomatic case of COVID-19 is existence at the person of the signs and symptoms characteristic of COVID-19.

Vaccination against a new koronavirusny infection began at rather fast speed, considering pandemic scales. At once several large producers provided the vaccines which are already allowed to clinical use. Despite it, the relation of a considerable part of broad masses to vaccination against COVID-19 remains reserved for the reason that the profile of safety of all used vaccines still is studied insufficiently carefully. It is connected as with still incomplete third phase of clinical tests, and with brief clinical experience of use of vaccines against a new koronavirusny infection.

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