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The value of transfer of a coronavirus through the small air microdrops (which are also often called by aerosols) is intensively discussed in the context of COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2-pandemic (a heavy acute respiratory syndrome of a coronavirus-2 or a koronavirusny disease of 2019). It is considered that it is one of three standard ways of transfer of a virus. Two other ways are a way of transfer through the large drops which are allocated from respiratory tracts (for being near a source) and direct contact with the infected surfaces.

The most common symptoms of a disease of a coronavirus - cough, anorexia, fever, weakness, mialgiya and diarrhea. The serious illness usually begins approximately in 1 week after emergence of symptoms. An asthma is the most common symptom of a serious illness and often is followed by an anoxemia. Feature of COVID-19 is fast progressing of respiratory insufficiency soon after emergence of an asthma and an anoxemia.

The Inhibitors of a Proton Pomp (IPP) are among the most taken drugs and their reception is connected with emergence of side effects, including, bone fractures, a chronic renal failure and gastrointestinal (G) infections. Though during one recently conducted randomized controlled clinical research the majority of these expected complications was not confirmed, results showed that reception of IPP increased the probability of developing of intestinal infection by 33% once a day. Obviously, it is connected with IPP-indutsirovannoy a hypochlorhydria at which the ability of an organism to protection against the got bacteria and viruses is broken.

Children with symptoms of a disease, average and heavy symptoms need to be hospitalized. Extent of leaving is defined by disease severity. To the children's intensive care care unit hospitalize children with the unstable hemodynamics (shock, arrhythmia) expressed by respiratory insufficiency, or other life-threatening states. In the available series of cases, most of patients needed assistance in intensive care unit. It is expedient to treat patients with easy forms in out-patient conditions. However there is a risk of progressing of a disease from easy to average degree, and then - to heavy therefore it is recommended to hospitalize patients in whom the high level of inflammatory markers is found.

As it is already known so far, the COVID-19-associated incidence and mortality are explained by pathological changes of an immune response of the patient. Two contradictory hypotheses are made: the defeat mediated by a hyper inflammatory "tsitokinovy storm" and the disturbance of an immunologic protective mechanism of the owner leading to uncontrollable spread of a virus and defeat of bodies. The lack of diagnostic tools for assessment of immune function is the key reason of inability to explain such contradiction at COVID-19 infection.

It is known that at children of COVID-19 usually proceeds easily. However in rare instances children can have a heavy current, and clinical manifestations to differ from adults. In April, 2020 messages about existence at children of a picture of a disease similar to an incomplete syndrome of Kawasaki or toxic shock appeared. Since then the number of messages about children with a similar syndrome around the world grows. The syndrome was called "multisystem inflammatory a syndrome at children" (MVS at children; it is also called by the pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (PMIS). In this article the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics and treatment of MVS at children will be considered.

Demand for expendables to glucose meters (scarificators, test strips), thermometers, gloves, tonometers and other medical products is always.

As it was already noted in many researches, SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus causing a heavy acute respiratory syndrome) in certain cases causes damage of a cardiac muscle as myocarditis. The correct diagnostics of this pathology and ability to differentiate it from other heart diseases has absolute importance. About it the speech in this article will go.

The Acute Renal Failure (ARF) — one of complications at the patients hospitalized with COVID-19 which can lead to a lethal outcome. Treat the reasons of OPN caused by COVID-19: dehydration, multiorgan insufficiency, a viral infection as a result of which arise injury of renal tubules, trombotichesky defeats of vessels gloumerulonefrit or rabdomioliz. Maintenance of optimum volume of liquid in an organism (euvolemiya) is one of the main ways helping to reduce risk of emergence of OPN. Regular measurements of a water balance in an organism are for this purpose taken and the course of infusional therapy is appointed, and the choice of the substituting liquid for the patients needing intravenous infusion is caused by results of biochemical analysis of blood and level of content of liquid in an organism.

In December, 2019 the koronavirusny disease of 2019 (COVID-19) was for the first time described to Wuhan (China) at the patients complaining of the symptoms reminding flu symptoms. The virus was allocated and identified as a new strain of a coronavirus which received the name SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus causing a heavy acute respiratory syndrome). The death rate from COVID-19 is on average estimated at 1%, generally because of a heavy acute respiratory syndrome and multiorgan insufficiency.

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