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Whenever possible surgical interventions should be postponed until obtaining official results of testing for COVID-19 or recovery of the patient. Surgical interventions should be carried out as far as it is possible, at the patient's bed in ORIT chamber with negative pressure. Number of staff in these cases has to be minimized, and breaks are carried out only in case of need.

Acute injury of kidneys represents rather frequent pathology of intensive care units. Earlier given pathology carried the name of an acute renal failure, but the term existing now most fully defines an essence of this process. This tranzitorny injury of kidneys, that is is meant that in many cases adequate and timely treatment is capable to warn or minimize organ dysfunction. Nevertheless, acute injury of kidneys is also capable to lead also to a lethal outcome.

On December 31, 2019 the authorities of People's Republic of China reported to WHO about several cases of pneumonia of an unknown etiology, located in the Chinese province of Hubei. In a week they confirmed that it pneumonia was caused by a new coronavirus which received the name SARS-CoV-2. Now it is established that this virus, as well as others in family of coronaviruses, causes various clinical manifestations under term COVID-19, including respiratory symptoms which vary for cold to heavy pneumonia with respiratory a distress syndrome, septic shock and multiorgan insufficiency.

Cardiogenic shock is defined now as hypoperfusion of fabrics which is caused by heart failure and is not eliminated by correction of preloading. This rather frequent state in an intensive care which is followed by the high lethality and high level of complications among the survived patients.

Practically from the moment of origin of obstetrics and so far obstetric bleedings remain the huge problem making the main contribution to maternal mortality. According to WHO data obstetric bleedings are the leading cause of death of obstetric patients, considerably advancing hypertensia and septic states.

Recently growth of chronic diseases is noted that becomes characteristic not only for the age population, but also for persons of working-age. This phenomenon is connected with increase of psychoemotional tension, deterioration in environmental safety, high rates of life of the modern person, errors in food and other factors. For example, growth of such diseases as coronary heart disease, an arterial hypertension, disturbances of a lipometabolism, chronic obstructive diseases of lungs and so on is noted.

The patient with pregnancy can become an object of attention of the anesthesiologist in any of pregnancy trimesters. In spite of the fact that pregnancy in itself pathologies is not, during it in an organism of the pregnant woman there are significant changes capable to influence anesthesiology tactics. Changes during pregnancy affect all organism of the patient, but especially they concern the cardiovascular system, a digestive tract, the system of a blood coagulation and also sensitivity to anesthetics. The features of physiology of the pregnant woman are characteristic of each trimester.

Respiratory support is one of the most popular methods of treatment in an intensive care. The considerable number of various pathology became kurabelny thanks to this way of treatment. The number of patients who need respiratory support strongly depends on a profile of intensive care unit. For example, in offices where there are mainly patients after planned operations, the percent of the patients needing long respiratory support will be most often low while in intensive care units of hospitals of emergency medical service the number of patients on IVL are much higher.

Disturbances of a hemostasis represent rather seldom found problems in routine anesteziologo-resuscitation practice, and the pathology which more often is found in intensive care units. Nevertheless, the anesthesiologist has to be able to distinguish these disturbances, together with the surgeon to define admissibility of performing surgery and also to carry out correction of disturbances of a hemostasis in the operating room.

Breath plays very important role in ensuring activity of an organism. By means of the system of breath delivery of oxygen and removal of products of metabolism, first of all, of carbon dioxide is provided.

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