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Despite the achieved success in treatment of acute pancreatitis, mortality at this pathology continues to remain high. Treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis is carried out as in offices of a surgical profile (easy forms of edematous pancreatitis), and in intensive care units and resuscitation (medium-weight and severe forms of destructive pancreatitis). Timely hospitalization of the patient with a severe form of pancreatitis in intensive care unit is extremely important as it allows to provide all complex diagnostic and treatment at once. Treatment of such forms of pancreatitis demands big material inputs, work and time.

Pulsoksimetriya appeared rather recently and already now this method of clinical monitoring is considered the obligatory standard at observation for patients in intensive care unit or during performing surgeries. Attractiveness of this technique is that it allows to trace three very important indicators (pulse, saturation of an arterial blood oxygen and a peripheral blood stream) in real time by means of rather inexpensive device.

Monitoring of the electrocardiogram (ECG) in anesthesiology is one of mandatory requirements of basic anesthesiology monitoring. The requirement to monitorirovat at least one assignment of the electrocardiogram is included into standards of monitoring of many countries. Need of monitoring of an ECG it is caused by importance of this indicator which reflects electric activity of heart and allows to diagnose and treat quickly various medical emergencies.

Despite development of anesthesiology and resuscitation, difficult respiratory tracts continue to remain a serious problem. Loss of respiratory tracts at the critical patient creates for the last potentially life-threatening situation. Development of technologies of ensuring passability of the upper airways and the systems of assessment reduces the probability of a lethal outcome at the patient, but there are always situations in which difficulties with respiratory tracts arise suddenly and difficult give in to control.

Emergence and distribution of ultrasound made some kind of revolution in anesthesiology and resuscitation. It was connected with the fact that the possibility of assessment of some important indicators at a bed of the patient, performing urgent ultrasonographies and also ultrasonic maintenance of many manipulations appeared.

Blockade of the lower extremities find rather broad application in anesthesiology practice. Emergence and distribution of ultrasound in anesthesiology made practice of performance of regional blockade safer and also allowed to lower necessary doses of local anesthetics, having reduced system toxic effects of these drugs. When carrying out blockade under ultrasonography control the operator has an opportunity to directly visualize arrangement of a needle, to make injections directly to area of necessary anatomical structures. Now blockade of the lower extremities under control of ultrasound are widespread in traumatology and orthopedics, plastic surgery, in vascular surgery, at other lower extremity operations.

Infusional therapy is one of the main methods of treatment of patients in critical states. It allows to carry out completion of intravascular volume, to carry out correction of electrolytic disturbances, to adjust carrying out parenteral food, administration of antibacterial drugs and so on.

Recently performance of peripheral regional blockade under control of ultrasound finds the increasing application in anesthesiology practice. It is connected with what allows to visualize directly structures which are subject to anesthetic influence, to control extent of their irrigation by local anesthetic, to considerably lower a necessary dose of drug and also to somewhat lower number of complications of conduction blockade.

Kapnografiya is a method of tool monitoring which consists in measurement of concentration of carbon dioxide on a breath and on an exhalation. Distinguish a kapnometriya — measurement of concentration of carbon dioxide on a breath and on an exhalation and display of results of measurement in the form of figures, and a kapnografiya — display on the screen of concentration of carbon dioxide on a breath and on an exhalation in the form of the special schedule. The second type of monitoring is preferable. There is also a method of a qualitative kapnometriya when carbon dioxide is found in the exhaled mix on change of coloring of the special indicator, but in this case exact concentration of carbon dioxide on an exhalation is unknown.

The children's anesthesiology represents the separate section of anesthesiology science. Approaches in carrying out an anesthesiology grant of the child in general are similar to those at adult patients, but at the same time in single questions there are very essential differences. Considering that specialization in anesthesiology means ability of the doctor to carry out an anesthesiology grant to the patient of any age, we consider that this article can be useful to doctors which generally work with adult patients, but periodically meet in the practice and children.

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