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The system inflammatory syndrome is one of characteristic manifestations of severe forms of a koronavirusny infection. In this article the basic principles of treatment of an inflammatory syndrome taking into account the recommendations which are available today will be considered. It is necessary to understand that COVID-19 — an infection new and poorly studied therefore the available recommendations can change further in process of accumulation of clinical practice and emergence of results of new researches.

The purpose of this article is providing recommendations about management of intensive care units (ORIT) in which it is helped patients with COVID-19. In it special attention is paid to forming of crisis management of ORIT in the period of COVID-19 pandemic. In process of distribution of a pandemic of COVID-19 ORIT face the physical, material and emotional problems caused by huge loading. Relevant knowledge of epidemiology, disease and use of resources provides valuable information for strategic and daily scheduling of intensive care units. Thus, understanding of number of patients, available capacities of ORIT and directions of use of resources is necessary for the adequate solution of the problems connected with personnel, the equipment, rooms and systems to provide the adequate answer to an overload as a result of a crisis situation.

Need to quickly develop vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is the share of a growth period of basic knowledge, including such areas as genomics and structural biology that provides scientific support of a new era in vaccine creation. For the last decade the task of quick response in response to H1N1 flu epidemics, fevers Ebola and Zika diseases, and now — the SARS-CoV-2 virus was repeatedly set for the scientific community and the enterprises developing vaccines.

Free medical care is provided in the Russian Federation within the program of the state guarantees. Its such types as specialized and hi-tech, emergency medical service, at the same time in stationary conditions surgeries are performed enter this help. Rather often when carrying out operations modern techniques with use of medical products are applied. The existing regulatory base, namely Part 2 of Article 80 of the Federal Law "About Bases of Protection of Public Health in the Russian Federation" and Part 2 of Article 6.2 of the Federal Law "About the State Social Help" defined the list of the medical products implanted into a human body when rendering free medical care.

Development of medical science attracts implementation of new technologies with use of new medical equipment and new medical products. Any new medical product can be applied in medical practice only after the numerous researches and tests. So, according to Article 38 of the Federal law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "About bases of protection of public health in the Russian Federation", the address of medical products includes technical tests, toxicological researches, clinical tests, examination of quality.

The order of an extract of recipes on medical products, including for the citizens having the right to social services is specified in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2012 No. 1181n "About the statement of an order of appointment and invoicing of medical products and also forms of prescription forms to medical products and an order of execution of the specified forms, their accounting and storage".

In practical activities sometimes there is a question of what is the spare part to a medical product. Often such need arises during the purchasing and realization of medical products. The matter is that at sale of medical products providing registration certificates is necessary, and spare parts and details to medical products of registration certificates have no, therefore, their granting is not required. Where to take definition to the concept "spare part"?

COVID-19 represents a new disease, it is caused by a new coronavirus which was not met at the person earlier.

Today several risk factors of a heavy current of COVID-19 are established. Let's talk about them in this article.

The heavy acute respiratory syndrome caused by a coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the reason of a pandemic of a koronavirusny disease 2019 (COVID-19). Now various therapeutic methods including antimalarial drugs, antiviral drugs, antibiotics and vaccines are studied.

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