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The pandemic of COVID-19 generated the global collapse of economic life and infrastructure, limited freedom of movement of people. This respiratory infection is unprecedented because strikes the most vulnerable, peripheral part of a bronchopulmonary tree of the person, namely an alveolus which are responsible for blood saturation by oxygen, a body, necessary for all fabrics.

At treatment of patients with a new koronavirusny infection (COVID-19) the indicators helping to predict need of the translation such in intensive care unit and an intensive care (ORIT) are necessary. There is an assumption that the analysis of urine made at hospitalization of the patient can be used for identification of a syndrome of system capillary permeability which in turn can be a predictor of a volume overload, respiratory insufficiency, need of hospitalization for ORIT and a lethal outcome.

In December, 2019 on the planet the koronavirusny disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 (a heavy acute respiratory syndrome) and which is characterized by the high speed of transfer and considerable mortality began to extend promptly. Symptoms of COVID-19 can vary from the lungs which are not demanding treatment to the progressing pneumonia, multiorgan insufficiency and even death. Today there is no effective treatment or vaccine.

The Koronavirusny infection of 2019 (COVID-19) about which it was for the first time reported in Wuhan, the Province of Hubei extended for extremely short time worldwide. The coronavirus of a heavy acute respiratory syndrome-2 (SARS-CoV-2) which way of distribution is transfer from the person to the person affected the numerous countries and turned into serious threat for the state of health of the population around the world. Due to the acute development and the fast progressing COVID-19 infection nature, at some patients extremely aggressive disease is observed, the acute respiratory distress syndrome develops.

The discussion concerning use of antibacterial drugs at viral infections, in particular at COVID-19 continues. Though currently time at viral infections most of experts are negative to the idea of prescription of antibiotics, secondary bacterial complications of COVID-19 can be the reason for use of drugs of this group. In this article we will sort whether purpose of antibacterial drugs at an early stage influences mortality from COVID-19.

SARS-CoV-2 is the global, quickly extending virus causing a koronavirusny disease 2019 (COVID-19). The current strategy in public health care directed to mitigation of the consequences of transmission of infection include fast identification of cases of infection, isolation, tracking of contacts and self-isolation of the persons which underwent infection. After the person contacts to a virus, observation and a quarantine during a 14-day incubation interval are standard practice. So far no drugs were found to prevent a SARS-CoV-2 broadcast.

Considering the available data that the imbalance in operation of the peptides which are formed as a result of action of ACE1 and ACE2 strengthens action of Angiotenzina-II (ANG II), and it is the major driving factor of a pathogeny of COVID-19, were suggested by a number of authors about a possibility of use of inhibitors of an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACEI) and blockers of receptors of angiotensin (ARB) for treatment of this pathology.

Ventilation is a process of supply of external air to the room or the building natural or mechanically. It controls the speed of replacement of room air during a certain span. In certain cases, before air supply to the building it is necessary to remove pollution, using the corresponding systems of filtration. Ventilation plays a crucial role of the infected air and decrease in the general concentration of a virus and, therefore, the virus dose inhaled by the people who are in the building at a distance.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus infects cells of the person by linking of the S-protein with a receptor: angiotensin - the converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the ektomembranny integrated glycoprotein, weighing 120 kd, expressed on a surface of cells in lungs, heart, kidneys and intestines. Linking of a SARS coronavirus with ACE2 is followed by merge of virus and plasmatic membranes, endocytosis and an infection of a cell. ACE2 expression on cells of a respiratory epithelium is important for development of pathology at COVID-19. The infection usually begins in an epithelium of the upper airways and extends then to alveoluses in lungs, at the same time pathological processes are more expressed at patients with the weakened immune response and reduced ability to counteract spread of an infection. COVID-19 usually causes easy symptoms (in 80% of patients), but the hard cases of a disease demanding hospitalization of an intensive care meet at a number of patients and in some situations such cases conduct by death. The increased predisposition to complications and mortality meets at patients with associated diseases, especially at patients of old age or having a hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic diseases of lungs and with the weakened immunity.

In the light of our knowledge of ways of transfer and distribution of SARS-CoV-2, is of particular importance prevention of an airborne way of infection. In this article we will consider various ways of control over transfer of new type of a coronavirus.

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