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The coronavirus causing a heavy acute respiratory syndrome (SASR-CoV-2) is COVID-19 cause of illness. Owing to the emergency situation connected with spread of a coronavirus in many countries of the world the quarantine was initiated. Its influence on health, business activity and other aspects of everyday life is felt both on individual, and at the public level. For lack of in the near future effective pharmacological interventions and vaccine a priority is decrease in frequency of infection (flattening of an epidemic curve), and prevention of transfer of a virus — the best of available approaches for achievement of this purpose.

At the end of 2019 appeared and quickly the new coronavirus of the 2nd type affecting the person causing a tyazhly acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) extended worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) called the disease caused by a new virus, a koronavirusny disease 2019 (COVID-19). The virus extremely kontagiozen also differs in high risk of transfer from the person to the person, and infection often happens in medical institutions and in house conditions.

The coronavirus-induced disease 2019 (COVID-19) is characterized by a wide range of the clinical options of a current varying from asymptomatic virus colonization to the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) demanding an intubation and the difficult strategy of the artificial ventilation of the lungs (AVL). In cases of extremely heavy respiratory insufficiency which is not allowing to provide adequate gas exchange despite optimization of maintaining the patient and the IVL optimum parameters, veno-venous extracorporal membrane oxygenation (VV EKMO) can become an additional option of a maintenance therapy in a limited arsenal of means against COVID-19. Already plays the same role of EKMO in treatment of other heavy viral respiratory infections, such as flu H1N1 and relevant recommendations support use of EKMO at COVID-19.

The new koronavirusny infection (COVID-19) caused by a coronavirus of a heavy acute respiratory syndrome 2 types (SARS-CoV-2) keeps the nature of a pandemic and is characterized by high incidence and mortality. As well as at SARS infection in 2003, development of a new koronovirusny infection, as a rule, is followed by the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) representing the acute process in lungs leading to high mortality at patients with COVID-19. However appears more and more data indicating such complication as the injury of a myocardium connected with COVID-19 infection with a frequency from 7.2% to 12%.

The new coronavirus of a heavy acute respiratory syndrome-2 (SARS-CoV-2), developed in the city of Wuhan, China, in December, 2019, having led to the heavy outbreak of pneumonia. The Koronavirusny disease of 2019 (COVID-19), and its pulmonary manifestations are well described. Patients have more and more certificates on neurologic complications and diseases with COVID-19. Two similar coronaviruses of the person (CoV), a Middle Eastern/respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) and a heavy acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-1), were also associated with neurologic diseases in rare instances. It brings up a question of whether SARS-CoV-2 is neurotropic and whether it contributes to the development of postinfectious neurologic complications. In a small number of case histories neurologic complications at patients with COVID-19 are described. Remains, however, to unknown in what degree of SARS-CoV-2 injures the central nervous system (CNS) and whether neurologic symptoms are connected with secondary mechanisms.

The infection with a new coronavirus of SARS-CoV-2 and the subsequent disease caused by a coronavirus (COVID-19) usually is associated with inflammation and a protrombotichesky state. Increase in level of fibrin, products of degradation of fibrin, fibrinogen and also D-dimera is observed. As a rule, these markers connect with the worst clinical outcomes. True extent of distribution of these complications at patients with different disease severity is not defined thoroughly. In some messages it is indicated higher distribution of the clotting disease connected with COVID-19 among patients of intensive care units.

The pandemic of a koronavirusny infection of 2019 (COVID-19) continues to have an impact on the most part of the planet. Knowledge of diagnostic tests on SARS-CoV-2 in the course of an operating time, and a clear understanding of the mechanism of these tests and also the correct interpretation of their results is extremely important. This article explains how to interpret two types of the diagnostic tests which are usually used for detection of the infection caused by SARS-CoV-2: PTsR with reverse transcription (OT-PTSR) and IFA for definition of IgG and IgM and also how their results can change eventually.

During COVID-19 pandemic at about 5-6% of patients the heavy anoxemia with need of an intensive care is noted, and some of these patients need invasive or noninvasive ventilation of the lungs. Either heavy pneumonia, or the state similar to ORDS which developed owing to this pneumonia is the reason of hypoxemic respiratory insufficiency. Heavy pneumonia is characterized by fever or suspicion on respiratory infection and a respiration rate more than 30 in a minute, heavy dispnoe or a saturation (SpO2) less than 90% at breath by atmospheric air. The diagnosis of ORDS is made on the basis the clinical managements acting at the moment or the recommendation with the corresponding gradation about severity: ORDS of easy, moderate and heavy degree depending on the relation of partial pressure of oxygen in an arterial blood to fraction of oxygen of the inhaled air. In this article we will consider the possibilities and restrictions of noninvasive ventilation of the lungs (NIVL) at acute respiratory insufficiency.

Glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenaza (G6FD) is represented by the enzyme which is contained everywhere in all cells. However its insufficiency has potentially pathological consequences only in erythrocytes. The deficiency of G6FD, or insufficiency of G6FD (also G6FD enzimopeniya), is the most widespread erythrocyte fermentopatiya at people. It was counted that at least 500 million people in the world have a gene mutation which results in defect of activity of G6FD enzyme. The deficiency of G6FD is widespread worldwide and especially often meets in Africa, on the Middle East, in Asia and the Mediterranean. Variations of G6FD enzyme have different levels of activity, and it involves various manifestations at the clinical level:

The main way of transfer of COVID-19 virus is aerogenic. Viruses move by means of aerosols which arise in respiratory tracts of the infected person. In this article basics of physics of aerosols and transfer of infectious particles in the context of transfer of a virus from the person to the person will be covered.

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