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After some time of a current of a pandemic it is already known that the majority of cases of infection with a koronavirusny infection (COVID-19) of a malosimptomna, however a part of the diseased has heavy symptoms and the disease gets a life-threatening current. Distinguishing characters of a koronavirusny infection is pneumonia and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Approximately at 25-42% of patients trombotichesky complications which are associated with increase in mortality come to light. Rather often not only the deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, but also arterial thrombosis meet. At autopsy of patients with COVID-19 blood clots with the high content of megacaryocytes and thrombocytes in heart, lungs and kidneys were observed. There are specific changes of a gemostaziogramma testifying to hypercoagulation. Also microthrombosis of capillaries of alveoluses which frequency is much higher, than at patients with flu was observed. It is supposed that thrombosis promotes severe damage of lungs and an anoxemia which meet patients COVID-19.

Serological testing is everywhere offered as the important tool for control of development of a pandemic of COVID-19. It plays a key role in disease severity assessment, definition of potential donors of therapeutic immune plasm and allows to track development of collective immunity. As well as at other system viral infections, practically at all patients with symptoms within several weeks after emergence of symptoms of a disease IgM and IgG of an antibody are developed. And though IgM usually precedes IgG, at some patients simultaneous increase in level of both antibodies is observed while the intensity of the answer considerably varies.

As it was confirmed in numerous researches, defeat of bodies and manifestation of a koronavirusny disease are connected with an expression of a receptor of SARS-CoV-2 and to - receptors on a membrane of target cells. S-protein which is responsible for a form of coronaviruses and is called still protein of an aculeiform shoot promotes fixing of receptors of a virus on a cell membrane. At the same time it is considered that receptors of an angiotensin-converting enzyme (APF-2) is the main receptors, the used coronavirus for penetration into a cell. At the same time, there are data on SARS-CoV-1 which show that at APF-2 inactivation penetration of a virus into lungs of the mice infected with a virus considerably decreases.

The pandemic of a koronavirusny disease of 2019 (COVID-19) significantly affected health and life support of millions of people around the world, and the scale and speed of this influence were unprecedented. At the moment there are no certain specific techniques of treatment and prevention of COVID-19. Thus, reorientation of already existing approved drugs for reduction of severity of COVID-19 is considered as strategy, more cost-effective and sensitive to terms.

The syndrome of acute respiratory insufficiency caused by a coronavirus 2 types (SARS-CoV-2) led to emergency situation in the field of public health care. The Koronavirusny infection became the reason of the pandemic which affected millions of people worldwide, having the international value. Nevertheless, our knowledge of a pathophysiology of a disease and possible ways of treatment is still limited. Though huge efforts for understanding of biology of an infection of SARS-CoV-2 at molecular level were made, use of the corresponding experimental models was limited. Limited understanding of mechanisms of a pathophysiology of a disease became a hindrance for development of effective preventive and therapeutic strategy.

There is a set of proofs in favor of a pron-position at heavy hypoxemic respiratory insufficiency and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The most convincing in the field a research is PROSEVA — big multicenter prospective randomized controlled study. Results of researches are made it clear that by patients in a pron-position had lower mortality for the 28th day (16% against 34%) and smaller quantity of cardiac standstills. When carrying out this research, patients were stacked in a pron-position by 4 times a day, on average on 17 hours (±3 hours). According to other researches of patients with ORDS the positive effect of a pron-position and decrease in death rate was also revealed.

In addition to the computer tomography (CT) of lungs in diagnostics of COVID-19 also other methods of visualization, such as positron emission tomography (PET), ultrasonic diagnostics of lungs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used. In this article we will sort these methods and their features.

As is well-known now, the coronavirus can get into cells of lungs in an endosomny way or by participation of a sincytium. Destruction of alveolar cells where there are ACE-2-receptors, can be started by virus replication which leads to a lysis of a cell, or the antigen-antibody complex causing an antitelozavisimy cellular tsitoksichnost through activation of a system of a complement. For this reason the subject of participation of a complement in a pathogeny of COVID-19 draws more and more attention recently.

Medical visualization is the valuable addition to the test with the PTsR method for confirmation of COVID-19. Typical signs at visualization meet at patients with this pathology, especially when carrying out a computer tomography. In this article we will consider use of the computer tomography (CT) for confirmation of COVID-19.

Diagnostics of neurologic manifestations of a koronavirusny infection has certain difficulties. The matter is that the health workers dealing with patients with heavy course of COVID-19 are concentrated on providing maintenance of life, first of all, on ensuring functioning of the blood circulatory system and maintenance of a saturation is not lower than a dangerous threshold. In cases of fast transition from easy symptoms to the urgent placement of the patient to intensive care unit, artificial ventilation of the lungs with constant observation and assessment of activity of all main systems of an organism will be required for much of them. Taking into account a possibility of a sharp aggravation of symptoms of patients with COVID-19, a main objective of the protocol is prevention of hypoxemic ischemia. Therefore understanding of neurologic manifestations of COVID-19 lags behind more vital issues connected with survival of patients with heavy course of a disease.

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