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Now, taking into account the accumulated certain experience of maintaining patients with a koronavirusny infection, it is considered that the intubation of a trachea and invasive ventilation of the lungs have to be used only in that case when less invasive techniques of treatment of respiratory insufficiency showed the inefficiency. It must be kept in mind that in the conditions of a pandemic and mass arrival of patients in many institutions with limited resources ensuring quality of artificial ventilation of the lungs will become a difficult task. It is connected not only with small quantity of beds in the intensive care units equipped with respiratory devices but also with the problems connected with infrastructure, maintenance of the equipment, human resources and training. Examples of problems: frequent need of reuse of disposable components, bad access to expendables, including warm and moisture exchangers, aspiration catheters, bad access to spare parts of respiratory devices and so on.

Artificial ventilation of the lungs is the hi-tech medical procedure which is capable to lead to growth of development of complications. Therefore methods of monitoring of patients which are on a respirator were developed for safety of artificial ventilation of the lungs. These methods are especially important in the conditions of a pandemic as mass arrival of patients can result in the shortage of medical personnel and, therefore, increase of risk of various complications. Especially it is important in those conditions when load of medical personnel is much higher than usual.

Laboratory methods of a research at a koronavirusny infection play rather large role. Together with a clinical picture they allow to define weight of disease, to reveal complications, to keep track of dynamics of a disease.

Monitoring at patients from a koronavirusny infection have extremely important value. As the koronavirusny infection affects generally easy, when carrying out monitoring first of all electrolytes, the system of a blood coagulation control function of external respiration and also a hemodynamics gas composition of blood.

The rebreathing system serves for connection of a respirator with an endotracheal or trakheostomchesky tube. In structure the unidirectional (unilinear) and bidirectional (two-linear) rebreathing systems differ. In the first case the exhalation of the patient is made via various types of valves in the atmosphere at once. In the second case the exhalation of the patient gets at first to the line of an exhalation, then goes to a respirator and is removed in the atmosphere via the exhalation valve.

When we speak about masks, a personnel from movies of times of the Middle Ages is remembered at once: people in raincoats, hats, gloves and masks with the extended nose bypass the desert streets affected with plague against the background of the burning fires. Such mask was called "a bird's beak". In "beak" the garlic, dried herbs impregnated with camphor were put. The mask was thought up by the doctor from France Charl Lorm in the seventeenth century.

It is known that respiratory filters are a necessary expendable material for ensuring work of a rebreathing system. Being located on the way of respiratory mix to the patient, respiratory filters can perform the following functions:

- to detain on the way of a stream of air mixture from the patient to the fan water and heat, allowing to maintain thus the necessary temperature and humidity of respiratory mix (heatmoisture exchange filters);
- to serve as a barrier to various microorganisms (bacteria and viruses), protecting the patient from their hit in his respiratory tracts (bacterial and virus filters).

The first tables were a plate which the person put to himself on knees, then tables on legs appeared. In all centuries the table was the center indoors, and the Russian name came from the word "stlat", i.e. to dim. Tables were working, lunch. Already at the time of Hippocrates there were operating tables (in the treatise "About Joints" he describes the equipment and tools for operations where also the operating table is mentioned). Since the 16th century operating tables became wooden, on four legs with obligatory convenient approach from all directions. Then there were nickelized metal tables, however, to change position of the patient on the operating table, an opportunity was not. The first functional operating tables allowed to change an inclination of all table for convenience of the doctor, then on tables there were sections which arranged this or that part of a body under operation. The first functional table was shown by the German surgeon Adalbert Tobold in 1827.

Considering specifics of work, the surgical personnel have rather high risks of infection with a koronavirusny infection. In this article we will consider made and recommendations concerning protection of personnel in the operational room, and on minimization of risks of infection with COVID-19 infection in other premises of surgical clinic.

Holterovsky monitoring is the system called by the name of her creator — Norman Jeffrey Holter from the USA who developed in 1947 the first system of registration and transfer of the ECG for up to 4 hours. The first devices weighed 45 kilograms, with the advent of transistors began to weigh 1 kilogram, today's monitors weigh about 100 grams and can transfer data continuously, any time (more often the research is conducted 24 hours). Today practically in each cardiological office there are such devices — compact and easy.

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