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Holterovsky monitoring is the system called by the name of her creator — Norman Jeffrey Holter from the USA who developed in 1947 the first system of registration and transfer of the ECG for up to 4 hours. The first devices weighed 45 kilograms, with the advent of transistors began to weigh 1 kilogram, today's monitors weigh about 100 grams and can transfer data continuously, any time (more often the research is conducted 24 hours). Today practically in each cardiological office there are such devices — compact and easy.

The ECG on Holtera (HM ECG) is used in case the usual ECG is not enough: at disturbances of a rhythm, unclear pains behind a breast, an apnoea and snore, faints and dizzinesses. Besides, need of such inspection can be in the postinfarction period, for assessment of efficiency of medicinal therapy, for control of work of a pacemaker.

At this inspection record of a warm rhythm is carried out continuously 24 hours (if necessary maybe longer). On pure, dry, previously shaven leather to the patient impose the electrodes connected by wires to the device HM ECG which fastens to a belt or rushes in a handbag through a shoulder. The device constantly takes readings: in a dream, at meal time, when walking, at manifestation of emotions and in a quiet state. The patient watches that electrodes did not come unstuck, does not allow water ingress on contacts and does not accept physiotherapeutic procedure at this time. Besides, the patient marks time of these or those events in the diary: dream, food, stressful situations, exercise stresses, drug intake. During inspection the patient can be engaged in a usual thing, visit educational institution and even to go to work.

After the carried-out inspection the device is returned to medical institution where instrument readings are taken and deciphered. Data are compared to the diary of the patient that gives the grounds to draw more exact conclusions on a condition of heart and allows to find the slightest deviations in its activity. Patients and doctors also, call this method of inspection just "holter".

In the market of medical goods there is a wide choice of registrars of an ECG. For an example we will consider several models:

1. CardioMem CM 3000 is manufactured in the USA, is convenient in use, simple and safe. It is supplied with the liquid-crystal display in which are reflected quality of imposing of electrodes, the level of a charge of the battery and option of registration which can be adjusted. The device can work with disposable or accumulator batteries which can be replaced during the research. The device can write down three and twelve ECG channels, register a pacemaker, data remain on a flash card.

2. The Holterovsky Altonika Makhaon monitor is manufactured in Russia, very easy, convenient in use, simple and safe. The device can write down two and three ECG channels. The device transmits data through Bluetooth on the computer in real time. Besides, there is a memory card. The device measures ChSS, analyzes an ECG at freely moving patients, including patients with an artificial pacemaker. It is more often used at ambulatory patients. Gives very few hindrances, thereby provides the good accuracy of data of a research. Runs on one "finger-type" battery. As sockets at all wires different, it is easy to replace one cable with another without confusion. For children there are very thin cables. This type of the monitor often meets in policlinics of the country, is characterized by cardiologists positively.

3. The complex of daily monitoring of an ECG on Holtera "Expert" is manufactured in Russia, has the color display convenient in use, simple and safe. The device can write down three ECG channels, there is a memory card. The device measures ChSS, analyzes an ECG at freely moving patients. It is more often used at ambulatory patients. According to the practicing doctors, this device gives many hindrances even if electrodes though a little got off.

In general, monitoring on Holtera deservedly is a source of the vital information on the latent pathology of heart. Unceasing registration of an ECG for a long time, in various life situations, in practice has very high importance for diagnostics of a number of cardiac pathology.

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