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Quite often, looking at screens where show movies with a fascinating plot, we see frames of revival of the person by means of blow by electric current. There is a miracle: to the hero impose two electrodes on a breast, the click sounds, the body jumps up from electric shock, and the hero comes to life! So there is a demonstration of the remarkable medical device, under the name a defibrillator.

The essence of this device consists that the device gives the short high-voltage impulse causing full reduction of a myocardium. After this reduction there is a probability of restoration of a normal sinoatrial rate. Of course, only health workers understand that to start already stopped heart when the patient in clinic has an asystolia — on an ECG the straight line (isoline) is shown, it is almost impossible.

The first attempts on a cardiac standstill at dogs by means of influence by current, and then its resuming, also electric shock, were made in 1899 by Italian Frederiko Battelli in the works "About influence of electricity on a cardiac muscle". Practically it was the prototype of a modern defibrillator.

Still scientists caused long time and stopped fibrillation by impact of electric current on animals: frogs, cats, dogs. At the person fibrillation was eliminated only with administration of salts of potassium and calcium.

Since 1952 in the USSR, as an experiment electric shocks were applied to impact on a cardiac muscle, but these experiments were published only 10 years later. So opening in 1956 of Englishman Paul Zoll about use of electric current of 110 volts for impact on a cardiac muscle in case of fibrillation, at open heart operation how many does not belittle achievements of team of the Soviet scientists under the leadership of Gurvich Naum Lazarevich who for the first time noted need of carrying out a defibrillation on unopened heart (before resuscitation was carried out by an open cardiac massage with the subsequent defibrillation). From now on "cardioverters" — so were called before these devices, began to be applied in two options: on the opened and closed breast.

Today defibrillators equipped practically all intensive care units and cars of ambulance. The device became usual and obligatory for a number of the offices working with seriously ill patients patients. The medical industry makes a big variety of the defibrillators allowing to reanimate the patient excepting harm for health.

Conditionally defibrillators can be divided into manual and automatic, though in that, and in other option there are elements of automatic equipment and manual control. The defibrillator consists of the display reflecting a warm rhythm, the loudspeaker giving voice messages and hints, the microphone which is writing down actions of the health worker - for the further analysis of its actions, electrodes, buttons of inclusion and the category. In the market of the medical equipment there is a set of various defibrillators.

The defibrillator monitor of DKI-N-10 "AXION" is used in medical hospitals, cardiological clinics, for equipment of crews of ambulance and emergency medical service. The device is used to a countershock of disturbances of a warm rhythm. The device consists of two parts: a wearable part — the weight of 6 kg and the charger — the weight of 2 kg the Defibrillator has speech maintenance of actions and a possibility of use for adults and children. Time of continuous operation of the device in the monitoring mode — not less than 7 hours from replaceable rechargeable batteries (2 pieces), during the work from network of 220 V, from onboard network of the car (12–30 V) — not less than 168 hours. There is a possibility of a charge at the same time of two batteries. The device has automatic dumping of the saved-up energy on internal loading in 30 seconds after set. The device has a possibility of reception and registration an ECG, the built-in thermal printer — width not less than 57 mm. Na the LCD display is displayed all information before and after a defibrillation. The number of categories of energy of 360 J from completely charged battery: not less than 40. Energy of an impulse: 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 360 J. Defibrillyator-monitor of DKI-N-10 "AXION" has quite compact sizes: length is 380 mm, width is 175 mm, height is 270 mm.

Except, the professional defibrillator considered above, there are automatic defibrillators which distinguish disturbance of a warm rhythm and will suggest to execute the category. This device is more universal, and can use it both medical personnel, and the people who do not have vocational medical education (conductors, stewards, rescuers). Success of resuscitation actions, and, therefore, and human life, directly depend on time from the moment of the beginning of arrhythmia prior to the beginning of the emergency defibrillation.

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