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Because the new koronavirusny infection has various weight of course, is characterized by various clinical forms and also can proceed asymptomatically, introduction of the differentiated approach to maintaining cases of diseases is advisable. Depending on reference of a specific case to this or that group, health workers have an opportunity to differentiate medical, preventive and anti-epidemic actions concerning each group of patients. It, in turn, will promote more effective fight against a pandemic.

Ensuring laboratory and diagnostic process in the conditions of a pandemic of a koronavirusny infection is an important point which allows to organize fast and timely diagnostics of an infectious disease, and, therefore, expeditious identification of both sick, and contact persons that allows to carry out medical and anti-epidemic actions.

As it is already well known today, the outbreak of a new koronavirusny infection happened in China, province Wuhan, during the period from December, 2019 to March, 2020. The confirmed cases were registered in all administrative units, but the Province of Hubei became the leader. In this province 84% of all cases in China were registered. Chinese specialists had to deal for the first time with what is a new virus, to describe forms of a disease and to be used the mass sanitary and anti-epidemic actions directed to prevention of spread of a new infection.

The pandemic of a new koronavirusny infection which proceeds more than a year imposed much the increased requirements to the level of security of medical institutions with various individual protection equipment for health workers. At the same time, if at the initial stage of a pandemic situations of an acute shortage of individual protection equipment when the personnel of medical institutions of the different countries of the world were forced to reuse individual protection equipment or in general to use not intended for this means (industrial respirators, masks for scuba diving together with respiratory filters and so on), then now the situation with security of SIZ became stabler were frequent.

The Koronavirusny infection, as well as many other acute respiratory diseases, has no accurately specific clinical picture. Symptoms of this disease can meet also at other pathology. On the other hand, COVID-19 has big variability of clinical forms of course, beginning from completely asymptomatic current and finishing with multiorgan insufficiency.

Information on epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 which is available today indicates that infection occurs especially often at the unprotected contact between people (for example, at home or in hospital). At the same time the significant role is played by an airborne way of transfer. On the available information infection comes through allocations from a respiratory path, besides, through cough and sneezing and also through various medical and dental procedures which are followed by formation of aerosol (for example, an intubation of a trachea or a bronkhoskopiya). It is necessary to consider also indirect infection, for example, through contacts with hands or contact of surfaces in medical institutions. It is considered that drops with a virus can get on surfaces and objects, and then to infect the person who touched them through the subsequent touches with hands to eyes, a nose or a mouth. At the same time drops, as a rule, do not extend further six steps (about two meters) and are not late in air. The virus can remain viable within several hours, getting on a surface of objects. On steel surfaces and on plasticity it can remain up to 2–3 days. But the question of whether the virus during such time spent in external environment is capable to keep the pathogenic functions, remains open. Also there is disputable a question of whether SARS-CoV-2 in natural medium (by means of more fine particles can be transferred only in the air way, than drops which remain in air a long span and can be transferred to considerable distance).

The morphological changes arising at a new koronavirusny infection (COVID-19) can be divided into two groups: the changes arising in lungs (as the main target organ at this pathology) and the changes arising in other bodies and fabrics.

Despite the absence of high-quality data, in separate reports the thromboembolism phenomena at critically sick patients with COVID-19 are described. In a number of the centers with the growing experience in the sphere of treatment of COVID the guides to performing system anticoagulating therapy were developed. At the moment accurate proofs that anticoagulating therapy at sepsis or septic shock improves rates of mortality no.

The family of coronaviruses represents rather extensive group of viruses which are capable to cause diseases both in the person, and in animals. At the same time coronaviruses can cause diseases which weight varies from asymptomatic forms of an acute respiratory infection to heavy respiratory syndromes like MERS in people. The virus causing a new koronavirusny infection (SARS-CoV-2) belongs to high-pathogenic viruses.

Due to the spread of a koronavirusny infection and its transformation into a global problem, particular importance ways of observation of the patient and control of a course of this disease are. Ways of monitoring in the conditions of a pandemic can considerably will cause a stir from those in a quiet situation as at mass arrival of victims there is a certain deficiency of forces and means of health service. In this article we will consider main types of monitoring at a koronavirusny infection and feature of their use in the conditions of mass incidence.

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