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The pandemic of a new koronavirusny infection which proceeds more than a year imposed much the increased requirements to the level of security of medical institutions with various individual protection equipment for health workers. At the same time, if at the initial stage of a pandemic situations of an acute shortage of individual protection equipment when the personnel of medical institutions of the different countries of the world were forced to reuse individual protection equipment or in general to use not intended for this means (industrial respirators, masks for scuba diving together with respiratory filters and so on), then now the situation with security of SIZ became stabler were frequent.

At the same time there was an understanding of importance of virus loading in respect of its influence on weight of the proceeding disease. In this regard there was a differentiation of daily work with the patients having a koronavirusny infection on a situation with high and low virus loading. In particular, it is possible to carry the patient's intubation, imposing of a tracheostoma, sanitation of a tracheobronchial tree and other manipulations on respiratory tracts to the first. Feature of all above-mentioned situations is allocation during the procedure of a large number a virus - the containing aerosol that leads to high virus load of personnel.

Respectively, recommendations about use of individual protection equipment of health workers began to be based on degree of the virus loading arising in this or that situation. It allows to use the available individual protection equipment more rationally, without putting at the same time medical personnel at additional risk.

In usual everyday life health workers can use individual protection equipment same, as well as all other population. First of all, this wearing a medical mask in public places and transport that is when it is impossible to observe good extent of air exchange and a social distance. The second important point of prevention of a koronavirusny infection is use of processing of hands antiseptic solution after contact from with the surfaces which are potentially infected with a virus.

It is necessary to turn special importance on use of masks by health workers in public places as taking into account continuous contact with the patients infected with a coronavirus, employees of healthcare institutions constitute the increased danger to the population in respect of spread of a coronavirus, especially considering the fact that the most massive allocation of a virus to the environment happens even before emergence of symptoms of a disease. In this regard it is necessary to remember that use of medical masks with the valve does not protect people around from a virus as expired air at an exit via the valve is not purified.

At delivery of health care of the requirement to SIZ can depend on degree of expected virus loading. For example, when carrying out registration of patients provided that the health worker observes a social distance and on the patient the mask is put on, to the health worker there can be enough mask and hygiene of hands. But already at a material intake at the patient for a research on existence of a virus, degree of potential virus load of personnel repeatedly increases and the health worker needs to have other level of the protective equipment including a dressing gown, a FFP2 or FFP3 respirator (the last is better), goggles or the screen for the person, gloves. Processing of hands antiseptic solution is obligatory.

If the patient has the probable or already confirmed koronavirusny infection, then the list of individual protection equipment of the health worker also includes a dressing gown, a FFP2 or FFP3 respirator (the last is better), goggles or the screen for the person, gloves. Processing of hands antiseptic solution is also obligatory.

When carrying out to the patient from the probable or confirmed koronavirusny infection aerosol - the generating procedures the SIZ list includes a dressing gown, a FFP2 or FFP3 respirator (the last is better), goggles or the screen for the person, gloves. Processing of hands antiseptic solution is obligatory. In this case use of the special isolating systems with individual supply of the purified air and full isolation from the environment can provide more reliable degree of protection. Such sets are rather expensive, can be inconvenient in use, but they give the highest degree of protection against virus loading.

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