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Laboratory methods of a research at a koronavirusny infection play rather large role. Together with a clinical picture they allow to define weight of disease, to reveal complications, to keep track of dynamics of a disease.

The list of laboratory researches and frequency rate of their performance depend on severity of a disease. Easy disease when observation and treatment of the patient in out-patient conditions is made, does not demand additional laboratory researches. At medium-weight or heavy disease purpose of the next researches is expedient:

The general blood test with determination of level of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, a hematocrit, leukocytes, thrombocytes, a leukocytic formula.

Biochemical analysis of blood (urea, creatinine, electrolytes, glucose, ALAT, ASAT, bilirubin crude and direct, crude protein, albumine, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase troponin, ferritin). It should be noted that biochemical analysis of blood does not give any specific information, but the found deviations can indicate existence of organ dysfunction, electrolytic disturbances, a decompensation of associated diseases and development of complications, all this has a certain predictive value and has an impact on the choice of medicines or the mode of their dosing.

The S-jet protein is the main laboratory marker of inflammation and, respectively, activity of process in lungs. Its increase correlates with a volume of defeat of pulmonary fabric and is the basis for antiinflammatory therapy.

Hormonal researches which can include researches of pro-calcitonin, brain natriuretic peptide. Pro-calcitonin at a koronavirusny infection with defeat of respiratory departments of lungs usually is in limits of referensny values. Increase in pro-calcitonin demonstrates accession of consecutive bacterial infection.

Koagulogramma: activated partial tromboplastinovy time (APTT), prothrombin time, prothrombin relation, fibrinogen, D-dimer (quantitative method). Is important, considering tendency of patients with a koronavirusny infection to tromboembolic episodes.

Monitoring of so-called predictive laboratory markers is of particular importance. The new koronavirusny infection is among not enough studied diseases, but the certain data allowing to consider that these or those laboratory indicators have a certain predictive value are saved already up. For example, at most of patients with COVID-19 the normal number of leukocytes is observed, but at the same time the leukopenia is found in one third, at the same time the lymphopenia is present approximately at 80% of patients.

Thrombocytopenia at a koronavirusny infection has moderate character, but meets at a heavy current more often. Increase in the D-dimera level by 3–4 times of more age norm and also lengthening of a prothrombin time, especially at heavy disease, increase of level of fibrinogen also has clinical value. At assessment of these indicators it is necessary to consider age features. For example, the D-dimera level increases at persons 50 years in connection with existence at them are more senior than chronic diseases. Also with care it is necessary to approach a research of the D-dimera level at pregnant women, it is connected with the fact that increase in D-dimera with essential dispersion of values in this group of patients is characteristic of pregnancy.

Existence at the patient of organ dysfunction, assessment of extent of compensation of associated diseases and identification of signs of development of complications which can be assumed at assessment of indicators of biochemical analysis of blood have predictive value and also have an impact both on the choice of medicines, and on the mode of their dosing. Increase in activity of aminotransferases and a creatine kinase is possible, concentration of a troponin, creatinine or urea, each of these indicators can demonstrate existence of a certain pathology.

It is known that the level of the S-jet protein correlates with weight of a current, prevalence inflammatory ̆ infiltrations and the forecast at pneumonia. Concentration of the S-jet protein increases at most of patients, along with increase in level of interleukin-6 and SOE in different degree. SILT-6, SILT-10 and TNF-α (a factor of a necrosis of tumors alphas) increase during a disease and decrease at recovery. It is noted that the patients with a koronavirusny infection needing hospitalization have higher levels and other pro-inflammatory markers.

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