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Quite often, looking at screens where show movies with a fascinating plot, we see frames of revival of the person by means of blow by electric current. There is a miracle: to the hero impose two electrodes on a breast, the click sounds, the body jumps up from electric shock, and the hero comes to life! So there is a demonstration of the remarkable medical device, under the name a defibrillator.

At implementation of respiratory support for a koronavirusny infection the choice of the IVL mode is made proceeding from a condition of the patient, safety of function of spontaneous breath at it and also by degrees of sedation and the neuromuscular block which are necessary for ensuring normal ventilation and oxygenation. Thus, if the patient has no spontaneous breath completely, respiratory support usually begins with the compulsory modes of ventilation. It allows the doctor to control completely oxygenation and ventilation of the patient and to be sure that respiratory support will be adequate. However in process of restoration at patients of spontaneous breath, their transfer to the compulsory and auxiliary modes, and further — on the intellectual modes of artificial ventilation of the lungs further is required.

All people and in all languages of the world have such concept: "To inhale life", the description of revival by the child's prophet by a breath method "a mouth in a mouth" occurs in bible manuscripts. Originally this method was applied to newborns who in labor had an asphyxia. Paracelsus in 1530 carried out IVL by means of bellows which inflated fire in fireplaces. In 1774 Joseph Priestley for the first time received oxygen, and the new era of IVL began from now on. And since 1779 administration of oxygen by means of a mask and a respiratory bag for resuscitation of newborns of children was already carried out. In the same time the first resuscitation sets which entered were created: manual fur and various tubes for carrying out IVL. However, use of bellows for inflation of air in the patient's lungs quite often led to various complications, up to a rupture of a lung that led to falling of interest in this type of resuscitation. Therefore opening in 1821 by Frenchman Lerua Etyol of respiratory fur with a measured ruler which allowed to dose the volume of the air entered to the patient became break in practice of IVL and, practically, revived this method of resuscitation.

Definition of indications for carrying out invasive ventilation of the lungs at a koronavirusny infection has a number of features in comparison with other pathology. At an early stage of a course of a disease, in case of his lungs and medium-weight forms the need for IVL usually is absent and the sufficient level of oxygenation is reached by means of an oxygenotherapy, a high-line naznalny oxygenotherapy or noninvasive ventilation of the lungs. However, in case of progressing of a disease and development of respiratory insufficiency, the need for invasive ventilation of the lungs can become obvious.

It is known that the oxygenotherapy is one of ways of treatment of a koronavirusny infection. The most widespread ways of supply of oxygen include oxygen cylinders, concentrators of oxygen and the centralized pipeline oxygen systems. The choice of a method of supply of oxygen will depend on local resources and the supporting infrastructure. At the organization of an oxygenotherapy it must be kept in mind the fact that in the conditions of a pandemic of healthcare institution will be overloaded. In this article we will consider approaches to carrying out an oxygenotherapy in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic.

Artificial ventilation of the lungs belongs to the category of invasive medical technologies. Carrying out IVL is often accompanied by use of various medical techniques and procedures, each of which separately or in common can influence a disease outcome considerably. During IVL the patient is completely dependent on the equipment and the personnel serving it. To increase safety during IVL and also to increase efficiency of the procedure in a hospital, the determined norms of equipment have to be observed by the equipment.

The oxygen concentrator is the device which is capable to receive oxygen from atmospheric air by method of molecular filtration. Different types of concentrators which differ on ability to produce oxygen with certain values of a stream and also according to the destination are issued. For example, there are oxygen concentrators of desktop type which are intended for an oxygenotherapy and also can be used for preparation of oxygen cocktails. Also there are stationary oxygen concentrators which are intended for providing with oxygen both points for an oxygenotherapy, and devices for artificial ventilation of the lungs (depending on model). Such concentrators have the special quick disconnect gas valve for connection to them an oxygen hose from a respirator.

It is known that at a koronavirusny infection the main target organ are lungs which are surprised in most cases this pathology. Therefore use of various methods of respiratory support as one of the most important methods of treatment of this disease is logical. Correctly carried out respiratory support is capable to liquidate a hypoxia, to provide an organism with enough oxygen and to influence a pathogenetic chain of an infection.

Process of excommunication of the patient from artificial ventilation of the lungs is one of the most important stages of treatment of a koronavirusny infection at a favorable current. It is connected as with the speed of the process of excommunication from IVL, and with the fact that at a koronavirusny infection artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out for a long time. Therefore process of excommunication from IVL can be rather long and difficult both for the doctor, and for the patient. Besides, it must be kept in mind the fact that a considerable part of patients with a koronavirusny infection are people of advanced and senile age that also introduces the amendments in translation process them on spontaneous ventilation.

Respiratory therapy in the context of treatment of a koronavirusny infection plays a special role. It is connected with the fact that the coronavirus affects first of all the system of external respiration. Respectively, many patients need respiratory support of this or that degree of manifestation. Degree of manifestation of this support can vary from oxygenation by small streams before full artificial ventilation of the lungs.

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