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Now equipment of offices of anesthesiology and resuscitation by monitors for observation of the vital functions of patients became a universal reality. Also the monitor systems, warning systems and registration of changes of the functional status of patients are improved.

Constant positive pressure at the end of an exhalation represents an IVL mode option when which using in an expiratory phase it is created and supported certain, predetermined by the doctor, the level of positive pressure. It allows not to reduce pressure in a rebreathing system to zero and to realize positive pressure in respiratory tracts during all respiratory cycle.

Parenteral food is not a preferable way of nutritive support in view of higher risk of development of various complications. In particular, parenteral food can be followed by risk of development of a hyperglycemia, electrolytic rasstroistvo, overloads the volume (overhydratation), an immunodeficiency, an oxidizing stress and increase in frequency infectious a complication ̆. Carrying out parenteral food demands regular control of level of glucose and electrolytes in blood. In addition, hyper caloric parenteral causes pitny gepatosteatoz, a gipertriglitseridemiya and a hypercapnia. Nevertheless, in the absence of an opportunity at the patient to receive nutrients enterally, parenteral food remains the only available way of nutritive support.

In feature films on screens of TVs we got used to see such picture when the young woman runs away from society as it has a pernicious vomiting, disgust for some products and vice versa draft to salty, etc. It becomes clear to all that it is pregnancy. Really in certain cases during pregnancy there is early toxicosis. Theories of its development set: hormonal, neurogenic, immune, allergic, etc. Treatment of this pathology complex. We will stop on the latest scientific data when the oxygenotherapy – use of oxygen for treatment and prevention is entered into a complex of treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women.

Parenteral food represents a way of nutritive support during which implementation nutrients are entered intravenously through the central or peripheral venous catheter.

As it is celebrated the last decades in medical literature, parenteral food is less preferable way of nutritive support in comparison with an enteroalimentation. It is connected with its not physiology and a possibility of development considerably of bigger number of complications in comparison with enteral nutritive support. Nevertheless, in the conditions of lack of digestion of nutrients through digestive tract, parenteral food remains the unique option of nutritive support for patients.

Considerable spread of a new koronavirusny infection resulted in need of the solution of questions of maintaining the patients having in addition to a koronavirusny infection also other states demanding medical care. In this article we will sort questions of obstetric tactics at the pregnant women who caught COVID-19.

Nutritive support of patients is one of the most important components of treatment of the patient. The sufficient resources arriving with food are necessary for it for normal mobilization of an organism on fight against an infection. Especially it concerns a koronavirusny infection which in some cases differs in a long current and is fraught with development of complications.

The heavy current of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 caused need of researches in the field of a pathogeny of a disease and determination of the features distinguishing it from other pneumonia. The most serious complication at COVID-19 is emergence of respiratory insufficiency, but the atypical coagulopathy which is characterized by substantial increase of the D-dimera level serves as one of reliable signs of development of a severe form of a disease. Elderly patients and patients with associated diseases presumably have higher D-dimera level that in turn demonstrates risk of development of a critical state up to a lethal outcome. In this regard it is recommended to hospitalize patients with the increased D-dimera level even in the absence of other clinical signs of a disease, considering high risk of incidence and mortality in this group.

Opening of antibiotics and emergence of such concept as antibacterial therapy, made a revolution in the world of medicine. Infectious diseases earlier not subject to mankind became sufficiently controllable. In parallel scientific and technical progress led to emergence everything new and more and more effective drugs. The profile of safety was improved and new forms of release of antibiotics were developed.

From diverse clinical manifestations of a new koronavirusny infection it is especially distinguished damages of skin. These defeats attracted attention since the beginning of epidemic, and, according to some specialists, damage of skin can be an initial symptom of COVID-19.

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