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In feature films on screens of TVs we got used to see such picture when the young woman runs away from society as it has a pernicious vomiting, disgust for some products and vice versa draft to salty, etc. It becomes clear to all that it is pregnancy. Really in certain cases during pregnancy there is early toxicosis. Theories of its development set: hormonal, neurogenic, immune, allergic, etc. Treatment of this pathology complex. We will stop on the latest scientific data when the oxygenotherapy – use of oxygen for treatment and prevention is entered into a complex of treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women.

Experience of use of an oxygen therapy in treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women contains hundreds of years. Originally it were recommendations to spend more time in the open air, to make walks outdoors. With the advent of the equipment allowing to concentrate oxygen and influence methods oxygen on an organism, these opportunities considerably extended.

The major medical factor at this pathology is impact of oxygen on a brain, is concrete on the emetic center, decrease in his excitability owing to what there is an improvement of health and the termination of vomiting.

Another, perhaps more significant factor is the help to the little patient, as a result of toxicosis the fruit hypoxia always develops. We will not even speak about its danger. The oxygenotherapy eliminates air hunger, normalizes exchange processes, restores cellular metabolism, and, thereby prevents various defects of fetation.

Practically purpose of the simplest at first sight oxygen cocktail is effective complex therapy of all processes in an organism both mother, and a fruit. And the female placenta child will naturally bring creation of optimum performance in a system to the favorable course of pregnancy. The medical industry releases a large number of various devices allowing to carry out successfully an oxygenotherapy to pregnant women.

Let's consider a number of the oxygen concentrators Lauf G 100/200/300/400 of Saytek Co. Longfian, Ltd., China. The official representative of the enterprise in the territory of Russia is LLC Kranz, St. Petersburg.

These models of the oxygen concentrators Lauf G 100/200/300/400 in principle of the work are similar, differ in productivity respectively: 4, 6, 8 and 10 liters of oxygen in 1 minute. Devices create oxygen concentration in the atmosphere to 90–96%. Devices work from network of 220 volts, are equipped with the accumulator, have rather low noise level.

The cannula, humidifier capacity, filters of rough and thin cleaning is included in the package of devices. The liquid-crystal display shows time modes, oxygen pressure at the exit from the device, temperature in the body, operating time — total of the acquired hours and operating time for this session. There are indicators of network food and pressure and also the overheating indicator.

Very convenient function of this line of devices is light indication of size of oxygen concentration at the exit. At the content of oxygen concentration at the exit more than 85% — the blue indicator, from 85 to 72% — yellow and at oxygen concentration lower than 72% will join the red indicator.

The weight of Lauf G 100/200/300/400 devices according to 23/25/26/27 kilograms. Sizes of devices of 365/375/600 millimeters. All devices have one exit of oxygen air mixture.

The oxygen concentrators Lauf G 100/200/300/400 are absolutely safe, in this model there is no storage of oxygen under pressure. High performance the convenient interface and adequate cost will be the excellent decision for holding the most various procedures connected with an oxygenotherapy.

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