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COVID-19 represents a new disease, it is caused by a new coronavirus which was not met at the person earlier.

The main mechanism of COVID-19 broadcast is respiratory when the infected allocations are allocated or directly from the patient, or at his touch to the polluted surfaces. Respiratory allocations are or drops (> 5–10 microns in the diameter), or represent the particles weighed in air (<5 microns). Drops fall on a surface in a radius of 1-2 meters from an object while airborne particles can remain weighed in air during longer period. It is supposed that the most infectious the patient becomes at peak of symptoms (when he is ill most strongly). Transmission of infection is possible and before emergence of symptoms — messages about it were, but such way is not considered the main way of spread of a virus now.

It is possible to catch COVID-19 in the airborne way and also if to touch a surface with a virus, and then — the person, a nose or eyes, however such way is not considered the main way of spread of a virus.

Whether it is possible to catch COVID-19 when performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

According to different data, the situation promptly develops, and the chance to catch differs from the place to the place. Performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation with artificial ventilation of the lungs is recommended to be done to the trained people. If helping does not want to perform CPR to the stranger or worries that he is ill COVID-19, before help arrival as an alternative it is possible to carry out only warm resuscitation. In many cases the indirect cardiac massage is so effective, as well as full cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and is much more effective than inaction.

The cardiac standstill comes to light if the person does not react and does not breathe as usual.

Reaction is estimated by stirring of the person and shout. At assessment pay attention to breath. To minimize risk of infection, do not open respiratory tracts and do not place the person near the victim's mouth/nose. Cause emergency medical service if the person does not react and does not react for what, whenever possible, use phone with a public address system.

At assistance rescuers nonprofessionals have to consider a question of putting a fabric/towel on a mouth and the victim's nose before performance of a compression of a thorax and a defibrillation. It can reduce risk of spread of a virus in the airborne way to time of squeezing of a thorax. After carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs rescuers have to wash up as soon as possible hands or disinfect them spirit mix. It is necessary to address to local bodies of health care to learn about screening after contact with the person with suspicion of an infection or the confirmed COVID-19. Health workers always have to use SIZ for aerosol - the generating procedures (a thorax compression, ensuring passability of respiratory tracts and ventilation of the lungs) during resuscitation.

It is still important to carry out a defibrillation as soon as possible. Electrodes of a defibrillator are put on a breast according to the instruction. Further according to the instruction carry out a defibrillation. Additional actions at a koronavirusny infection are not required. For removal of a virus from a defibrillator surface after completion of the procedure a defibrillator wipe with plain disinfectant as directed the producer. To protect itself and others, during rubbing of a defibrillator it is necessary to wear gloves, and after — to wash up hands water with soap or to process disinfectant on a spirit basis. Helping have to try not to touch the face (eyes, a mouth, a nose).

At assistance to the child it is important to remember that at children and babies the problem with respiratory tracts can be the cause of a cardiac standstill. Therefore the most effective method of resuscitation is the indirect cardiac massage in a combination with artificial respiration. Especially it concerns children, babies and also people with a cardiac standstill owing to overdose by medicines, drowning and other problems with respiratory tracts. To most of children and babies at a cardiac standstill primary cardiopulmonary resuscitation is carried out by the friend or the family member. Helping it is worth thinking of attraction of the help of relatives in performance of artificial respiration and an indirect cardiac massage, especially if they well know the child needing the help or the baby. To protect itself when performing artificial respiration, it is possible to use the barrier device — for example, a special mask or a front film for artificial ventilation of the lungs.

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