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The order of an extract of recipes on medical products, including for the citizens having the right to social services is specified in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2012 No. 1181n "About the statement of an order of appointment and invoicing of medical products and also forms of prescription forms to medical products and an order of execution of the specified forms, their accounting and storage".

Also the order of an extract of recipes on medical products explains the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2015 No. 25-3/10/2-788.

The attending physician of territorial policlinic appoints and writes out recipes on medical products. At the same time, the written-out medical products have to be registered in the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure. The name of a medical product is written completely, according to that which is specified in the registration certificate, reductions are not allowed.

Data on the appointed and written out medical product (the name of a medical product, the number of units of a medical product, approximate duration of a course, justification of purpose of a medical product) are specified in the medical record of the patient.

Recipes on medical products are written out on prescription forms of forms No. 1-MI, No. 2-MI, No. 3-MI according to the requirements provided by the order of execution of prescription forms on medical products, their accounting and storage approved by the above-named order.

As well as at a recipe extract on medicine, in need of an immediate or urgent holiday of a medical product to the patient in the top part of the recipe the designations "cito" (urgently) or "statim" treat (immediately).

Period of validity of the recipe on a medical product makes one month from the date of an extract. In case of invoicing of recipes to the citizens who reached a retirement age to disabled people of the first group and disabled children period of validity of the recipe makes three months from the date of an extract, and to the persons having chronic diseases, period of validity of the recipe in limits up to one year is established by health workers.

For diagnostics and treatment of chronic diseases recipes on medical products are written out on a course of treatment and diagnostics up to three months, the mark to "The patient with a chronic disease" becomes, period of validity of the recipe and frequency of a holiday of a medical product from the pharmaceutical organization is specified (weekly, monthly, etc.). The attending physician certifies this instruction the signature and the personal press and also the press of the medical organization "For Recipes".

Categories of citizens who are provided with medical products when providing enrollment of social services are listed in the Federal law of 17.07.1999 No. 178-FZ "About the state social help". The relevant list of the medical products which are released according to recipes on medical products when providing enrollment of social services is free of charge approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2018 No. 3053-r.

When invoicing medical products to the separate categories of citizens provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and having the right for free receiving medical products, the health worker does in the prescription form a mark "Free of charge".

According to Article 74. The federal law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "About bases of protection of public health in the Russian Federation" issue of recipes on medical products on the forms containing information of advertizing character and also on prescription forms on which the name of a medical product is in advance printed is forbidden.

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