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Koronavirusny infection of COVID-19 — the respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was revealed in China and extended over many countries of the world. Depending on weight of the international consequences of COVID-19, a condition of spread of a disease, including acquisition of the nature of a pandemic by it, are capable to make impact on all aspects of everyday life, including travel, trade, tourism, food supply and the financial markets.

Special the role in mitigation of the consequences of flash of COVID-19 for business, workers, clients and the public is played by preparation of the action plans by all employers in the conditions of COVID-19. For the employers in a health care field who were earlier applying plans for a flu pandemic case, planning in the conditions of COVID-19 can provide specification of plans for the purpose of response to specific risks and sources of influence, ways of transfer and other features of SARS-CoV-2 (in comparison with influenza viruses). The employers who are earlier not preparing for actions in the conditions of a pandemic should be trained and to prepare the workers whenever possible beforehand for potential deterioration in an epidemic situation. The lack of continuity of planning can lead to a cascade of mistakes because employers try to solve the problems arising in the conditions of COVID-19, insufficient resources, and workers can be insufficiently trained for performance of work in the conditions of a pandemic.

As well as can lead influenza viruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID-19 to emergence of large-scale flashes. In the conditions of wide circulation of a virus from the person to the person various regions can be affected at the same time. If vaccination does not give that effect which from it is expected, the disease outbreak can also proceed during considerable time.

As a result, the following phenomena can have an impact on performance by health workers of the duties:

Absence from work. Workers can not come to work owing to a disease; need of care of sick family members; need of care of children in case of closing of schools or kindergartens; existence among members of the family of the people belonging to risk group, for example, owing to the weakened immunity; or because of fear of appearance at work in view of fear of possible risk of infection.
Interruption in deliveries or delivery. The delay or cancellation (with the notice or without) shipments of goods of medical prescription from the geographical regions which underwent considerable influence of COVID-19 is possible.
Lack of funds of individual protection, especially at the beginning of a pandemic and during the periods of mass arrival of patients.

For most of organizers of health care protection of health workers will depend on use of the main measures of prevention of infectious diseases. Depending on a situation, all employers should take measures for ensuring hygiene and the sanitary and epidemiologic mode, including:

To encourage frequent and careful washing of hands, including providing to workers, patients and visitors of the place for washing of hands. In the absence of continuous access to soap and flowing water to provide the spirit antiseptic agents for hands containing not less than 60% of alcohol.
To encourage workers to stay at home in a case.
To encourage observance of rules of respiratory etiquette, including cover of a mouth and nose at cough and sneezing. To provide workers, patients and the population with napkins and recycle bins.
Employers should study a possibility of introduction of policy and the methods directed to increase in a physical distance between workers and other people, such as flexible choice of the place of work (for example, distant work) and flexible working hours.
To encourage workers whenever possible not to use phones, tables, offices or working tools and the equipment of other workers.
To provide regular cleaning of rooms, including planned cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, the equipment and other elements of a working situation.
To provide uninterrupted delivery of individual protection equipment for medical staff and to train all employees of healthcare institution in the correct use of them.

Besides, early detection and isolation of persons which can become a source of spread of an infection is the major step in ensuring protection of the workers, patients, visitors and other people who are present at the place of performance of work. Introduction of self-checking and mutual control among employees of healthcare institution for the purpose of early identification of symptoms of a koronavirusny infection makes sense.

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