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The new koronavirusny infection led to defeat of a considerable part of the population. In spite of the fact that the majority of cases of COVID-19 have an easy current, the considerable number of people had an infection of moderate severity or in a severe form. This fact dictates need of development of special programs of restoration for such patients.

In this article we will consider the councils for the patients recovering after COVID-19 based on the recommendations of Departments of rehabilitation medicine of the Medical center of Irving at Columbia University and the Medical center of Vail Cornell (USA).

Part 1. Breathing exercises

At recovery from the infection affecting lungs it is required to strengthen muscles thanks to which we breathe. Phrenic muscles and muscles of a chest wall belong to such muscles.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a set of exercises which helps to reduce an asthma, to increase ability to transfer an exercise stress and to improve quality of life. Breathing exercises which strengthen thorax muscles in process of recovery from a disease of lungs, and the exercises for strengthening of muscles aimed at increase in muscle bulk and force in general belong to such exercises (as as a result of long hospitalization the weakness and reduction of muscle bulk can be observed).

Exercises in house conditions can be not less effective, than exercises with the specialist in hospital. The attending physician can help you with drawing up and support of the program of rehabilitation, and the physiotherapist — to help by video conference with telemedicine use.

If you are not sure that you correctly carry out exercises, discuss it with the attending physician. These exercises are intended for individual performance therefore at uncertainty in correctness of execution it is not necessary to carry out them.

The management for the recovering patients with COVID-19

At an extract from hospital the stimulating lung-tester can be given to the patient. This device helps to strengthen respiratory muscles and to increase lung volume. The design of such device allows to take long slow deep breaths, as at a sigh or a zevaniye.

It is necessary to use the stimulating lung-tester of 15 minutes during the day, the general time can be broken into 3 sessions 5 minutes everyone.

Technology of use of the stimulating lung-tester:

Sit down on a chair or edge of a bed. Place the stimulating lung-tester in the face of in vertical position. Exhale without effort. Place the lung-tester mouthpiece in a mouth and densely clasp it.

Make a breath so slowly and deeply as far as you can. Note raising of the indicator or piston in the top part of a lung-tester.

Hold the breath so long, as far as possible (at least, for 5 seconds). Take out the mouthpiece from a mouth and make an exhalation slowly, allowing the piston to fall down.

Have a rest within several seconds and repeat steps from 1 to 5, at least, 10 times.

Place the purpose indicator in the necessary situation, noting thus the progress. Use the indicator as the purpose which should be reached at each slow deep breath.

After each series from 10 deep breaths clear the throat to be convinced that in lungs it is clean.

Part 2. Restoration of mental health

It is necessary to support regular social interaction during self-isolation. Use phone calls, video calls or social networks to keep in contact with family and friends. The patient can have a feeling of a regret, offense, loneliness, helplessness and a depression. It is necessary to recognize that such feelings are natural after everything that you overcame and that there is no your fault in the incident.

It is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet, to carry out exercises. The sufficient dream will improve your outward and health. Set to yourself the object to sleep not less than 7 hours at night. Many people in such circumstances need emotional support. If you need to talk to someone immediately, you call by number of psychological support.

It is better to carry out exercises in the afternoon to feel tired by the evening. It is necessary to avoid the caffeine use in the afternoon. Effect of caffeine is long — it can influence a dream after the last use for a long time.

Avoid alcohol intake as it reduces time of a "fast" dream (phases of dreams with the fast movement of eyes) and also causes night awakenings for urination. Avoid ultra-violet radiation at least in 1 hour prior to withdrawal for sleeping: include the night mode on the smartphone or the notebook and switch off the TV.

Try to be engaged in meditation before withdrawal for sleeping by means of applications on meditation training. Allow consciousness to come to a condition of rest. Try to go to bed and get up every day at the same time. You do not lie in a bed in the afternoon and if it is possible, avoid a day dream.

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