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TORCH infection is a group of the infectious diseases constituting special danger to pregnant women in connection with their expressed negative impact on a fruit. Four diseases traditionally enter into this group:

• Toxoplasmosis

• Rubella

• Cytomegaloviral infection

• Herpes infection 1 and 2 types

The main danger of above-mentioned infections is that they are capable to cause development of various uglinesses in a fruit at infection with them during pregnancy. According to average statistics, anomaly of fetation arise approximately in 86% of cases of diseases of infections of this group. Pathophysiologically such frequency of congenital anomalies is explained by ability of the viruses causing above-mentioned diseases to get through a placental barrier and to cause infection of a fruit. Infection in the first trimester of pregnancy when there is a bookmark and primary development of the main bodies and the systems of future child is especially dangerous. It is necessary to notice that for the adult of TORCH infection bear much smaller danger.

Let's consider separate types of TORCH infections.

Toxoplasmosis. The activator – Gondi toxoplasma, belongs to the class of protozoa. Affects nervous system, muscles, eyes and lymph nodes. A toxoplasmosis is very widespread, in the countries of Africa and South America up to 90% of the population were ill it. As a rule, the domestic cat or other pets becomes the main source of toxoplasma, infection through meat or is also possible other ways. Often the infection has the hidden oligosymptomatic current. If the pregnant woman gets sick with a toxoplasmosis, then it can lead to development in the child of epilepsy, mental retardation, vision disorders (at infection on early term) or to lead to development of various psychological diseases in the child already at mature age (at infection on late terms). As a source of a toxoplasmosis it becomes very frequent a cat, it is necessary to limit contact of the pregnant woman with these animals, and in the presence of them in the house attentively to watch over from health and at development in a cat of clinic of a toxoplasmosis (rhinitis, single vomiting and diarrhea) to isolate it from the pregnant woman.

Rubella. Is caused by a virus, extends in the airborne way. The infection is almost safe if arises at children's age, but at pregnant women leads to abortion or pre-natal death of a fruit. Defeat of a fruit at a rubella is inevitable and has no correlation how the disease proceeds at the woman. Weight of defeat of a fruit depends only that on what term the pregnant woman was infected. Infection on the earliest term (3–4 weeks) results in uglinesses in 60% of cases, on the term of 10-12 weeks — in 15% of cases and on term 16 weeks are more senior the risk of uglinesses decreases to 10% and below. Critical periods: 3–11 weeks of pregnancy (damage of nervous system), the 4 and 7 weeks (organs of sight and heart are surprised) and 7–12 week (there is a defeat of acoustic organs). Classical defeat of a fruit at the rubella transferred to time of pregnancy includes a cataract, congenital heart diseases and deafness. Infection with a rubella on late durations of gestation reduces the probability of its interruption, but the risk of a hearing disorder, sight and intellectual development in the child remains.

Cytomegaloviral infection. Is caused by a virus which prevalence is very high. Nevertheless, TORCH infections Cytomegaloviral occur among all infrequently (less than 5% of cases). Has low contageousness — for transfer of a cytomegalovirus constant close contacts are necessary. Persons with the weakened immunity treat to risk group. At infection pregnant with a consequence cytomegalovirus for a fruit depend on on what duration of gestation the infection was postponed. Infection on term up to 12 weeks leads to an abortion or the child's birth with heavy uglinesses (hydrocephaly, an acephalia, a cerebral palsy). If the infection was postponed after 12 weeks, then the risk of the birth of the child with congenital hepatitis, pneumonia or rhinitis repeatedly increases.

Herpes infection. Is caused by a virus of herpes of 1 and 2 types. Dangerously primary infection during pregnancy. On early term it provokes an abortion, pre-natal death of a fruit or development of anomalies of bones or an organ of sight. On later term the herpes infection leads to premature births, an arrest of development of the child and infection of the newborn with herpes. It is necessary to understand that the herpes infection can constitute danger and to the woman.

Prevention of TORCH infections consists in identification of risk groups (seronegative patients and patients with high risk of infection) at the patients planning pregnancy. Among risk groups scheduled maintenance is carried out, if necessary pregnancy is postponed until full treatment.

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