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When we speak about masks, a personnel from movies of times of the Middle Ages is remembered at once: people in raincoats, hats, gloves and masks with the extended nose bypass the desert streets affected with plague against the background of the burning fires. Such mask was called "a bird's beak". In "beak" the garlic, dried herbs impregnated with camphor were put. The mask was thought up by the doctor from France Charl Lorm in the seventeenth century.

Masks which we got used to see were invented at the end of the 19th century and consisted of fabric or a gauze with a layer from wool or cotton wool. Modern medical masks are made from polymeric materials. More often these medical products are three-layer — between two periblasts the filter-bed is located. Usually the mask keeps on a face at the expense of elastic ear loops or ties. To some models the layer of a flexible aluminum insert on a contour — for keeping fit and the best prileganiye is added to the person.

On the functionality masks can be daily, procedural, surgical and specialized (depending on number of filter-beds and a filter medium).

On the main material of a mask can be: gauze, nonwoven, medical disposable, medical three-layer, surgical, oxygen, coal, anatomic.

In some models of surgical masks there is a transparent screen for protection of eyes, so-called "visor", for protection of eyes from blood hit. In exceptional cases instead of a mask the respirator which, unlike a mask, is capable to detain fine particles of solid aerosols can be used, adjoins to the person more densely and has the valve facilitating an exhalation.

In the period of COVID-19 pandemic wearing masks played a crucial role in a complex of the actions directed to interruption of transmission of infection and practically saved lives of many people. Of course, there were also opponents of these measures, so-called "antimasochnik", but overwhelming number of inhabitants of the planet understood danger of an infection and observed the mask mode. Thereby two waves of a pandemic managed to be overcome successfully.

Now the most popular medical mask is the disposable unsterile three-layer mask on elastic bands which is not containing fiber glass. This model does not complicate breath, possesses high filtration, has a clamp for a nose, is more often than blue color. Except masks respirators, goggles and screens, respirators and protective overalls are used.

Among respirators the most popular model is the Source 2 FC with the valve. The respirator is made of hypoallergenic material, has the valve of an exhalation and the regulator of the size of an elastic band, with rather high degree of protection (to 12 maximum allowable concentrations), has a class of protection of FFP2 (it is capable to hold not less than 94% of harmful substances).

Goggles are applied to protection of eyes for protection of eyes against solid particles, gases, splashes of liquids, dust, vapors and aerosols. From all models the closed tight points have the best protective properties. Excellent protection is reached due to full isolation of eyes from the environment. Points are applied in a complex with other individual protection equipment. Points from transparent plastic, 175×85×6.5 mm in size, or 175×85×5.5 mm are considered as the most convenient option.

In certain cases the protective screen for the person can be the most suitable and comfortable eye protection and a respiratory organs. The screen does not give an inconvenience and discomfort, easy, provides the fine overview and does not complicate breath. Front guards happen different modifications and the sizes.

The protective suit — universal disposable overalls for protection of medical personnel is intended for work in the conditions of the increased risk of infection. The overalls have very wide range of use. The suit easy and strong, has the hood protecting a neck and a chin, and the self-adhesive tape on a chin provides the most tight prileganiye to a body. Usually are included in the package: overalls with a hood, high boot covers on an elastic band, a hat. And the cut of a hood, a cuff and trousers are complemented with an elastic elastic band on edge.

Of course, from the listed means of protection the medical mask was always and remains the most popular method of protection. One of the main advantages in prevention of diseases is first of all its low cost and simplicity of production. Even in the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor it is said that in case of a lack of medical masks, they can be made independently of six layers of a gauze, having disinfected boiling.

In spite of the fact that the medical mask in small degree protects the person, its value for surrounding people is very high, distribution of disease-producing microbes from the person in a mask is almost insignificant. Thus the person who is masked first of all protects not himself from infection, and people around.

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