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Monitoring at patients from a koronavirusny infection have extremely important value. As the koronavirusny infection affects generally easy, when carrying out monitoring first of all electrolytes, the system of a blood coagulation control function of external respiration and also a hemodynamics gas composition of blood.

The most widespread ways of monitoring at patients with a koronavirusny infection are: control of a respiration rate, pulse, arterial blood pressure, a pulsoksimetriya and blood draw on carrying out the gas analysis. In necessary situations these ways of monitoring can be complemented with others, such as invasive arterial blood pressure, control of the central venous pressure, pulmonary pressure, measurement of warm emission by a termodilyution method, cerebral oksimetriya and other types of monitoring.

Use of monitoring allows to establish increase of weight of course of an infection in time, in due time to reveal complications and also to control the course of medical process. Monitoring at mass arrival of patients and high load of health workers as competently customized warning systems in case of change of this or that indicator allow the health worker to react quickly to change of a clinical situation at the specific patient is especially important.

But, other party, at mass arrival of patients health workers can face serious problems when ensuring monitoring. The first, most obvious problem, can be connected with the shortage of these or those monitors or capacities of laboratory for carrying out high-quality monitoring to all patients who are in clinic. The second problem can be connected with the shortage of medical personnel which will carry out clinical monitoring of a condition of patients and also to control results of hardware, tool and laboratory monitoring. The fast wear of the monitor and laboratory equipment and also exhaustion of stocks of reactants and expendables can become the third problem in the conditions of a pandemic and mass arrival of victims.

One more problem is ensuring monitoring of patients with a koronavirusny infection in out-patient conditions. As most of patients with a koronavirusny infection will be at home and to receive treatment in out-patient conditions under control of the general practitioner, in these conditions there is a need of the organization of high-quality monitoring of a condition of such patients and first of all - functions of external respiration. The organization of monitoring at this category of patients will allow general practitioners at their visit in due time to reveal an aggravation of symptoms and to define indications for hospitalization. In addition to clinical and tool monitoring of a condition of ambulatory patients, the organization of laboratory monitoring is also of great importance because the laboratory service of the out-patient and polyclinic organizations of health care in the conditions of a pandemic is expected by higher loading.

Besides, in connection with high load of the organizations of health care in the conditions of a pandemic, there can be a need of conversion of doctors and other health workers of various specialties for assistance to patients at a koronavirusny infection. It will result in need of training of such specialists in techniques of carrying out monitoring at a koronavirusny infection, and it is quite possible that earlier in the practice these specialists did not face similar methods of monitoring at all. In this situation the organization of special courses on the basis of large clinics, receptions and intensive care units and resuscitation where methods of monitoring of function of external respiration (clinical monitoring, a pulsoksimetriya, a kapnografiya, gas blood test and so on) are used constantly can become an exit. When training such specialists very important not only to show them technically how to use this or that type of monitoring, but also to tell about the main diagnostic functions of a method and also error which it can give.

Considering the aforesaid, we see that before organizers of health care and also the difficult task of the organization of high-quality monitoring to considerable number of patients in the conditions of sharply increased load of a health care system will stand other specialists, in the conditions of a pandemic of a koronavirusny infection.

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