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When carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs at patients with a koronavirusny infection observation of a condition of various respiratory parameters which allows to notice in due time changes in a condition of lungs and the patient is extremely important and also to quickly modify the mode and parameters of ventilation if in it there is a need.

Now understand dynamic observation of set of the digital and graphic indicators reflecting mechanics of process of artificial ventilation of the lungs as respiratory (respiratory) monitoring. As a rule, the majority of modern ventilators reflects in real time a certain number of parameters of respiratory monitoring. At the same time these indicators are real, that is reflect a true condition of respiratory mechanics.

Technically such opportunity is reached first of all due to microprocessor processing of signals which arrive from the stream sensor installed directly in a rebreathing system. Therefore the attention to a state and arrangement of the stream sensor in the course of carrying out to the patient of artificial ventilation of the lungs is very important. Than closer the sensor is located to the patient, especially and real the indicators of respiratory monitoring received by it are exact.

Of course, observation of the patient who is on artificial ventilation of the lungs is not limited only to one respiratory monitoring. It is necessary to use also other types of monitoring, such as kapnografiya (ETC02) and RASO2 level which reflect adequacy of minute alveolar ventilation and its compliance to metabolic requirements of an organism. Monitoring of such indicators as SpO2 (pulsoksimetriya) and Rao2 is necessary for assessment of oxygenation of an arterial blood — these data precisely reflect degree of the hypoxia connected with disturbance of ventilating and perfusion ratios that often takes place at a koronavirusny infection owing to damage of alveoluses. At the same time the pulsoksimetriya allows to estimate more quickly oxygenation while gas blood test allows to make it more precisely, but with certain time expenditure. Also certainly control of parameters of the central hemodynamics, for the purpose of timely diagnostics of a circulator and fabric hypoxia is required. Use of monitoring of a hemodynamics allows to resolve in due time an issue with need of correction of system arterial blood pressure for the purpose of optimization of delivery of oxygenic blood to bodies and fabrics.

Graphical and digital analysis gives unique information on operation of the fan, mechanical properties of lungs, shows interaction in a system the fan patient and also facilitates the choice of the modes and parameters of ventilation. Besides, graphical analysis is necessary for control of work of a respirator and also for assessment of mechanical properties of lungs of the patient that is of great importance at a koronavirusny infection.

In particular, one of types of graphic monitoring is the analysis of respiratory curves. It allows to optimize parameters of mechanical ventilation taking into account a condition of lungs of the patient. This type of monitoring allows to choose effectively a form and a type of respiratory support, to reach synchronization of the patient with the fan, to reduce work of spontaneous breath and to use the various parameters connected with work of a respirator and mechanics of breath.

Therefore respiratory monitoring in real time is the integral component of monitoring when carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs to patients with a koronavirusny infection. Moreover, in respirators of the high and middle class control of function of external respiration of the patient is exercised through parameters of pressure in respiratory tracts, streams, inspiratory and expiratory time and other parameters. When using the so-called intellectual modes of artificial ventilation of the lungs work of an algorithm of a respirator is also based first of all on data of respiratory monitoring which the respirator obtains during the work with the patient.

Thus, monitoring of respiratory indicators in real time in the form of figures, schedules or curves, their comparison among themselves (use of monitoring in the form of various loops) and also settlement indicators of pulmonary mechanics and own respiratory activity of the patient provide to the resuscitator invaluable information.

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