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The main objective of monitoring in an intensive care and in medicine in general consists in increase in patient safety and in increase in quality of management of process of treatment. Special attention to issues of monitoring is connected with it in recent years that is confirmed by significant growth in publications on this problem. Along with issues of invasive monitoring which represents techniques, rather exact, but also more dangerous on number of possible complications, understanding of opportunities of noninvasive monitoring as more widespread in view of the relative simplicity and smaller intervention in the patient's organism is of great importance for specialists.

Among a set of other types of treatment applied in intensive care units, the special role belongs to antibacterial therapy. The multiple variability of microorganisms forces to look for more and more adequate answers to a microbic invasion. Antibacterial therapy in intensive care unit can be applied as independent and even main type of treatment, for example, at infections, and can be also present at structure of complex therapy of this or that pathology and also be used for a perioperatsionny antibiotikoprofilaktika.

The Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CR) — the term which exists relatively recently, approximately from 50th years of the last century. Nevertheless, in view of special importance of this direction, it develops constantly and improved. One of the most significant steps was creation of national councils on resuscitation — the organizations designed to supplement, develop and support in current state of the recommendation about holding resuscitation actions.

The malignant hyperthermia represents seldom found disease which cornerstone the genetic predisposition is and which is characterized by uncontrollable fervescence of the patient in response to hit in a drug trigger organism. The patient has strengthening of oxidizing metabolism in cross-striped muscles that leads to sharp increase of consumption of oxygen, education in excess amounts of carbonic acid and to fervescence. This state is followed by very high lethality if remains not distinguished and timely events for its stopping are not held.

Nutritive support of patients in intensive care unit is rather difficult section of intensive treatment as it is capable to influence a disease outcome substantially. Special attention to this problem testifies to importance of food in treatment of critical patients, along with antibacterial therapy, angiotonic support, artificial ventilation of the lungs and other components of an intensive care. Food of patients is capable to carry out not only a role of providing an organism all necessary, but also directly medical function.

Increase of requirements to an intensive care and intensive observation quite logically caused growth of requirements to comfort of the patient in intensive care unit. The patients who are in intensive care unit often have a stress owing to an unusual situation, need of performance of various manipulations, the round-the-clock observation and a set of other stressors. It is important to note that the comfort of the patient during his stay on a resuscitation bed considerably affects result of treatment of such patients. It is one more reason for which such attention is paid to sedation and an analgesia at critical patients.

Now universal distribution of ultrasonic diagnostic methods and maintenance of manipulations in anesthesiology and an intensive care is noted. In many intensive care units there are portable ultrasonic scanners which in many situations can help with delivery of health care to the patient considerably. Besides, there is a change of some classical techniques of ultrasonic diagnostics to their adaptation under practical workers of health care, step-by-step algorithms of diagnostics in this or that situation are developed.

Noninvasive ventilation of the lungs — a method of respiratory support which means refusal of an intubation of a trachea and a tracheostomy and carrying out ventilation of the lungs by means of special front masks. The method allows to lower number of complications of an intubation, tracheostomy and also to reduce need for sedation of patients.

Mechanical ventilation of the lungs is one of the most widespread methods of treatment of patients in intensive care units and resuscitation. This method is capable to provide to the patient as replacement of function of external respiration at its full stop, and support of spontaneous ventilation of the patient if this function at it is kept.

When talk about the pneumonia caused by viruses first of all mean the damages to pulmonary fabric caused by H1N1 influenza virus. This pneumonia differs in rather heavy and long current, demands the accurate program of medical actions and often demands carrying out to the patient of respiratory support. It is connected with frequent development respiratory a distress syndrome, extensive defeat of pulmonary fabric, the increasing resistance of a virus to antiviral drugs. In more remote period also accession of a bacterial infection can play a role.

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