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The Artificial Ventilation of the Lungs (AVL) is among enough traumatic ways of an intensive care when which carrying out development of various complications is possible.

Installation of an implant — difficult surgical intervention. During the procedure the doctor implants (screws in) in a bone an artificial titanic root to the place of the absent tooth. And the stomatologist has to be trained carefully for operation — depends on it, how successfully it will take place.

Body temperature at the person is maintained at the constant level and it is distinctive feature of gomoyotermny (hematothermal) organisms. The newborn child, even healthy full-term, in the first week of life, is poikilothermic, i.e. his temperature depends on ambient temperature. Normal level of axillary temperature at newborn 36.5-37.5 °C (WHO, 1997). To support this thermal range creation of the teromoneytralny environment when consumption of oxygen and power consumption are minimum for maintenance of vital activity on condition of preservation of normal body temperature is necessary.

Regional anesthesia — the type of an anesthesiology grant consisting in local interruption of a painful impulsation from the place of intervention by blockade of conduction paths. Regional anesthesia can act as as a basic element of an anesthesiology grant, and to enter composition of the so-called combined anesthesia, that is to be applied as its component. Extent of participation of regional anesthesia in this case is various: she can act as the main analgetic component of a grant, strengthen action of a system analgesia or be applied to postoperative anesthesia.

Since the moment of origin of anesthesiology, the practicing doctors and researchers made various attempts of control of depth of anesthesia. In the beginning it pursued the aim not to allow excessively deep anesthetic plane as one inhalation anesthetic by means of which all components of the general anesthesia were reached was used usually: consciousness switching off, analgesia, neurovegetative blockade and muscular relaxation. The anesthetic overdose in this case led to oppression of functions of breath and blood circulation at the patient and quite could end with his death. For this purpose the doctor who is carrying out anesthesia sought not to allow such succession of events and controlled its level on clinical signs: to the pupil size, movement of eyeglobes, oppression of a lid reflex, degree of a muscular relaxation, arterial blood pressure and pulse.

Stopping of a pain syndrome, taking into account extensiveness and injury of modern operative measures, is topical issue of maintaining the patient in the postoperative period. Not stopped pain syndrome serves as the reason of various physiological reactions which have extremely negative effect on the current of the postoperative period, increase the probability of postoperative complications and are the reason of a delay of the patient in a hospital. Competently picked up scheme of anesthesia in the postoperative period allows to make active early the patient that is prevention of pulmonary and tromboembolic episodes. The modern anesthesiology is able to offer a wide range of means of fight against postoperative pain.

Difficult respiratory tracts – one of the most serious problems of anesthesiology since the moment of its origin. The invalidism and death of patients owing to impossibility of ensuring passability of respiratory tracts, though significantly decreased recently, still figures prominently among anesthesia complications. It is important that the anesthesiologist from the very beginning of the activity raised gravity of this problem and did not ignore it.

The anesthetizing properties of xenon for the first time were described more than 50 flyings ago. It is the inert gas which is possessing a distribution coefficient "blood-gas" smaller, than at nitrous oxide, but having at the same time much higher anesthetizing activity. These properties provide fast induction in anesthesia and also a fast exit from it. In addition, xenon has own analgetic activity which does not depend on adrenergic and opioid systems. In comparison with other inert gases which have the anesthetizing activity, xenon too the only gas which is anesthetic in normobarichesky conditions.

TORCH infection is a group of the infectious diseases constituting special danger to pregnant women in connection with their expressed negative impact on a fruit. Four diseases traditionally enter into this group:

Anesthesia when carrying out dental manipulations is the standard at dental care now and is carried out at the request of the patient in the absence of contraindications.

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