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The acute respiratory distress syndrome represents the symptom complex which is characterized by the expressed anoxemia which arises in response to acute pulmonary damage.

The child who is in age up to 28 days is considered newborn. Distinguish the full-term newborns who were born 37 and more weeks after conception and premature which were born earlier in time. Some authors also mark out category of postmature children who have gestational age more than 42 weeks.

The Ergos 50 LOR-combine is the multipurpose tool complex intended for carrying out inspection of the patient with otorhinolaryngological pathology. This complex can be used for equipment of offices in otorhinolaryngological offices of hospitals and out-patient and polyclinic institutions and also receptions. Use of this equipment allows to avoid need to buy furniture and materials separately, having received all necessary for work of the otorhinolaryngologist in one product at once.

The patients who are on IVL treat the most dependent and heavy contingent among all being in intensive care units and resuscitation. Their life is completely dependent on work of a respirator and care of them of medical personnel that dictates need of the most careful attention to such patients.

The modern requirements imposed to the equipment for the artificial ventilation of the lungs used in intensive care units and resuscitation are rather extensive. They usually include existence of the adaptive modes, comfort for the patient, convenience in management and disinfection, safety in respect of transfer of an intrahospital infection. Often ventilators incorporate the monitor module which allows to use it during the work with the patient and to refuse third-party devices.

To objectively estimate weight of a condition of the newborn child very difficult. It is connected with anatomo-physiological features of children of different gestational age, existence of tranzitorny states and various compensatory opportunities depending on prenatal development. And always the significant share of subjectivity in assessment of a state is contributed by specialization, an experience and experience of the doctor performing inspection of the newborn person.

Frustration of the acid-base state (ABS) often meet at patients of intensive care units. The doctors dealing with these patients for ensuring effective treatment have to have a clear idea of a pathophysiology of frustration of KShchR. Diagnostics of these frustration is made on the basis of a research of tests of arterial, venous or capillary blood by means of special gas analyzers. After carrying out such analysis the doctor receives a number of certain indicators, on the basis which is drawn a conclusion about existence of these or those disturbances.

The Air Leak Syndrome (ALS) — group of the morbid conditions which are characterized by a gas congestion out of alveolar space.

Bronkhoobstruktivny states to which generally bronchial asthma and the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) belong are very widespread pathology among people. Consequences of uncured or incorrectly treated obstructive pulmonary pathology is development of a pneumosclerosis and emphysema, with the subsequent disability and the patient's invalidism. This pathology takes also important place in structure of the reasons of mortality. If at children mainly acute forms of bronchitis and bronchial asthma prevail, then adults to the first place on weight of complications and the adverse forecast have already a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, one of the most frequent reasons of which is a smoking.

Modern narcotic devices provide to the anesthesiologist a wide choice of the IVL various modes, unlike earlier models where all range of the modes was most often provided one and only – ventilation with control on volume. The choice of the correct mode during an operative measure is very important for ventilation of the patient as it in addition to convenience to the anesthesiologist has considerable influence on the frequency of postoperative complications. In this article we will consistently sort all main modes of ventilation provided in modern narcotic devices and we will make recommendations about the choice of each of them.

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