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Distribution of a new respiratory pathogen, such as virus of a heavy acute respiratory syndrome at a coronavirus of the 2nd type (SARS-CoV-2) is followed by uncertainty concerning its main epidemiological, clinical and virologic characteristics, in particular, of its ability to extend among the population and its virulence.

Understanding of an infection of SARS-CoV-2 among workers of health care and determination of risk factors of failures are important not only for determination of nature of transfer of a virus and risk factors of infection, but also for prevention of an infection at workers of health care and patients in the future, for informing and updating of measures of prevention and control of infections in healthcare institutions and at the national level and also for reduction of a secondary SARS-CoV-2 broadcast in institutions of a health care field.

Other coronaviruses, such as heavy acute respiratory syndrome of a coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and coronavirus of a Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV), were characterized by increase in quantity of cases of infection in medical institutions that led to large intrahospital flashes. Overpopulation in offices of acute management, non-compliance with measures of prevention and control of infections and possible environment pollution were considered as prerequisites for sharp surge in cases at MERS-CoV.

Workers of a health care field play a crucial role not only in clinical maintaining patients, but also in ensuring compliance with adequate measures of prevention and control of infections in the territory of healthcare institutions. Besides, the main attention is often focused first of all on patients with heavy course of a disease. As a result all scale of a disease can be not clear, including degree and a share of slight or asymptomatic infections which do not demand medical intervention and also a role which such infections can play at secondary infection.

It is considered that the infection of SARS-CoV-2 extends in the airborne way, through contact with liquids of an organism and with the infected surfaces. It is known that workers of a health care field caught such ways. The person which have no symptoms can transmit an infection, also as well as people at whom did not reveal contact with any known case, can be infected too. During flash of SARS-CoV health workers made 21% of cases of infection.

The susceptibility to risk of infection from patients at the health worker decides on COVID-19 as:

close contact (within 1 meter and within more than 15 minutes) with the suspect / the probable / confirmed patient (patients) with COVID-19; or

indirect contact with fomita (for example, with clothes, linen, ware, furniture, etc.) or with the materials, devices or the equipment related to the suspect / probable / confirmed with patients / patients with COVID-19.

Risk factors of infection of COVID-19 for health workers

For specification of risk factors at specific groups of health workers or certain workers polls can be used. The example of such poll is stated below.

Whether you are the health worker who is directly engaged in patients with COVID-19?

Whether you had special training on patient care from COVID-19?

During the last 14 days whether you were in contact with the person or people for whom COVID-19, out of your professional duties is diagnosed?

How often did you use public transport during the last 14 days?

How often did you enter social interaction with people out of work, the house and transport (for example, in shops, supermarkets, etc.) during the last 14 days?

When did you last time have training on PKI (prevention and control of infections) in medical institution?

How many hours of preparation on PKI (standard precautionary measures, additional precautionary measures) did you pass in this medical institution?

Whether training of PKI in the individual protection equipment (IPE) was provided far off (for example, only the presentations, online training) or a practical training was given in standard/additional precautionary measures?

Whether you know the recommended practicians of hygiene of hands in medical institution?

Whether you follow the recommended rules of hygiene of hands?

Whether you use an alcohol-containing antiseptic agent for hands or soap with water before contact with the patient?

Whether you use an alcohol-containing antiseptic agent for hands or soap with water before hygienic/aseptic procedures?

Whether you use an alcohol-containing antiseptic agent for hands or soap with water after (possible) contact with biological liquids?

Risk factors of infection of COVID-19 for health workers

Whether you use an alcohol-containing antiseptic agent for hands or soap with water after contact with the patient?

Whether you carry SIZ in cases when it is shown? (SIZ include: a medical/surgical mask, a guard for the person, gloves, glasses, a dressing gown, overalls, a headdress, a respirator (for example, N95 or an analog) and boot covers).

The list of questions can be considerably expanded. Such polls will help to estimate risk factors for COVID-19 at workers of health care and also efficiency of measures of prevention and control of the current infection of COVID-19 among workers of health care.

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