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What is viagra?

As well as many things in our world, purpose of viagra was revealed absolutely accidentally. This drug the Pfizer company as heart drug which would promote inflow of blood to cardiac muscles, a lowering of arterial pressure, disposal of stenocardia thought.

Developers wanted to serve only for the mankind benefit as the fact that to reduce development of cardiovascular diseases. But business "began to smell" fried at a stage of clinical tests. Experimental men noted that drug did not improve cardiac performance in any way, and here sexual life for them played new paints. Examinees refused to return drug. After the researches was decided to begin mass production of medicine which would promote disposal of erectile dysfunction. And at a stage when the world learned about viagra existence, many conjectures and even misinformations about that, what is it appeared and "with what eat it".

Myth No. 1-If to pour viagra to the man, then he will passionately wish proximity.

It is, of course, not the truth. And to explain this conjecture, it is necessary to understand as drug works. The basis it is sildenafit which is responsible for increase in inflow of blood to a men's generative organ and for emergence in case of excitement of a long and qualitative erection. Viagra proved efficiency in the presence at the man of problems with a potentiality and erectile dysfunction, is capable to increase quality of sexual life and to return full-fledged bright feelings from intimate proximity. But the tablet in itself is not capable to provoke sexual desire or to cause excitement. That is, if to pour to the man viagra who is not going to enter intimate proximity of the stated effect will not come and he will not begin to run for you. At good intentions and the correct actions, the effect of viagra occurs in 30-60 minutes after intake.

Myth No. 2 - Viagra acts on all equally

Not the truth. Viagra is positioned as drug for elimination of impotence and erectile dysfunction. It will not have any impact on the healthy person. It will not work and at thrombophlebitis, vasoconstrictions and other diseases with serious violation of blood circulation in an organism. You should not wait for effect of viagra and at low level at the man of testosterone, at defects of an internal cover of vessels and at atherosclerosis. Besides, even under the influence of alcohol, the tablet is not capable to render long-awaited effect.

Myth No. 3 - Viagra is intended for men aged at whom obvious problems with a potentiality are noted.

It is not the truth. Dozvolitelno to accept viagra to men since 18, in cases when there are even insignificant deviations with an erection. Often the problem when the man is easily and quickly excited meets, but here the quality of an erection decreases later time. Viagra is shown and at such cases.

Myth No. 4 - Viagra is medicine which at regular use is capable to restore male power.

It is not the truth. When you want to cheer up, you take a cool shower and lean on coffee. But they do not provide treatment from constant drowsiness and slackness. Viagra works as "doping" too. Constant use has to be coordinated with the specialist because the tablet has also contraindications.

Myth No. 5 - Viagra has no impact on the woman.

It is partly the truth. The instruction says that original drug viagra is intended only on men. Impact on a circulatory system and stimulation of inflow of blood to generative organs during intimate proximity both at men and at women happens equally. Therefore it is only possible to suggest that the tablet will work on the woman, will stimulate rush of blood to bodies of a small pelvis that in the presence of excitement at the woman will increase quality of intimate proximity. However reliable researches in this area were not conducted. So you should not abuse and experiment, in the market there is a wide choice of the special means capable to solve women's issues of sexual nature.

Myth No. 6 - If one tablet did not help, it is necessary to drink 2.

It is not the truth. And never so do if you do not want to appear in chamber of an intensive care. The matter is that active ingredient of viagra influences a cardiovascular system, kidneys, digestive tract. To abuse similar drugs for the sake of "wow" - effect means obviously to enter itself into risks of dangerous consequences. Besides, after reception of 1 tablet of viagra it is not recommended to use similar substances and drugs within the next 24 hours. You should not use viagra at all if you:

Other donators of nitrogen used. They are very often used by athletes during preparation. You remember if you use other donator of nitrogen that means is not necessary for improvement of a potentiality.
You use steroids. Steroids improve synthesis and perception by viagra cells as the result it needs to be applied in the halfed dose or not to accept at all.
Abused alcohol. Certainly the glass - another of wine behind a romantic dinner will not have significant effect. But high doses of alcohol at joint use with viagra can lead to serious consequences, up to heart attack.
Regularly you take the drugs for increase in pressure.

Myth No. 7 - Viagra is capable to help if erectile dysfunction is caused in men by psychological problems.

It is partly the truth. Also this statement not only is applicable to men. So if problems in the intimate sphere are observed, itself once is honest answers a question about volume, whether a stress to it with fault. Sometimes the unjustified workaholism and excessive disturbing states about last, real and future, can provoke malfunctions in the intimate sphere. Perhaps even viagra will be impotent here. In other cases of a problem with a potentiality can be caused by diseases of an urinogenital system, chronic diseases of vessels. Therefore viagra use in this case has to be justified.

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