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The new koronavirusny disease found in 2019 (COVID-19) which main manifestation of severe forms is the heavy acute respiratory syndrome represents serious threat for human health. Researches of upgradeable risk factors which are potentially connected with the increased susceptibility to an infection at certain groups of the population or the worst outcomes among having this disease, are concentrated on studying of cardiovascular pathology, arterial hypertension and a diabetes mellitus. Use of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and the blockers of receptors of angiotensin (BRA) is of special interest because these drugs can affect ability of a coronavirus to infect cells.

It is no wonder that in a mediasreda periodically there are questions of treatment of IAPF or SCONCE at COVID-19. With a number of researchers it is emphasized that data do not support refusal of reception of IAPF/BRA and also appeals to further researches sound. The results received today demonstrate that use of IAPF and SCONCE is not connected with the increased risk of COVID-19 or the worst outcomes among the infected patients.

In particular, in Denmark till May 4, 2020 studied whether use of IAPF and SCONCE is connected with susceptibility to a koronavirusny infection and with risk of death from it or with heavier course of an infection.

In this research data from the Danish national registers were connected at the individual level with use of the unique personal identifier. By means of such communication data on civil status, hospitalization, procedures and issue of recipes were received. It is known that the Danish health care system state and all hospitalization since 1978 are registered with use of codes of the International classification of diseases. The Danish registers are checked, in detail described earlier and also differ in high quality and completeness. All residents of Denmark were available to a retrospective cohort research for inclusion. Those who were examined in hospital and had the code of the diagnosis COVID-19 registered after February 1, 2020, were included in this research. As a result researchers studied 98 case histories and 97 of them had laboratory confirmed test of reverse transcription (polymerase chain reaction in real time for SARS-CoV-2). Day of diagnostics of COVID-19 was considered as date of indexation. The social and economic status of the patient was defined by education level and median income one year prior to date of indexation. The anamnesis of life and drug intake were defined by the diagnoses connected with the previous hospitalization or out-patient visits and also which are written out according to the recipe by drugs in the Danish drugstores. Definitions of pathological processes were used in the previous researches and were confirmed in national Danish registers. In particular, arterial hypertension was defined by use more than one hypotensive drug as it was established with good specificity earlier.

For the analysis of susceptibility the enclosed structure a case control was used. The cohort of all patients with arterial hypertension was in Denmark under observation during the period since February 1, 2020 to diagnosis of COVID-19, death without diagnosis of COVID-19 or before date on May 4, 2020, depending on what event will come earlier. Patients with COVID-19 and the previous hypertension were designated as cases in the analysis then they were compared with control on age and a floor among the patients taking the hypotensive drugs, but without COVID-19. Patients with other indications to therapy of IAPF or SCONCE (for example, heart failure or a chronic renal failure) were excluded from a research.

Use by patients of IAPF or SCONCE was the influence which is of interest that was recorded by filling of recipes (≥1 filling) within half a year before date of indexation. To increase reliability of definition of influence and results, all analyses were repeated among the patients accepting IAPF or SCONCE which received the recipe within three months after index date. Besides, analyses for those who wrote out more than one recipe within half a year from the date of indexation were carried out.

As a result among patients with the diagnosis of COVID-19 it is a research did not find significant communication between the previous use of IAPF or SCONCE and mortality or a severe form of COVID-19. The previous reception of IAPF or SCONCE was not authentically connected with the diagnosis of COVID-19 among patients with arterial hypertension or with mortality or with a serious illness among patients with the diagnosis of COVID-19. The obtained data do not support the termination of administration of drugs of IAPF and SCONCE which are clinically shown in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.

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