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The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) — acute diffusion inflammatory damage of lungs in response to the pulmonary or extra pulmonary infectious or noninfectious damage leading to increase in permeability of vessels of lungs, increase in mass of lungs, decrease in aeration of pulmonary fabric and the expressed anoxemia.

Koronavirusny infection of COVID-19 — the respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was revealed in China and extended over many countries of the world. Depending on weight of the international consequences of COVID-19, a condition of spread of a disease, including acquisition of the nature of a pandemic by it, are capable to make impact on all aspects of everyday life, including travel, trade, tourism, food supply and the financial markets.

If to address anesthesiology history, then it becomes clear that this specialty began with use of inhalation anesthesia — the well-known operation of U. Morton on which that showed a possibility of performing anesthesia by means of steam inhalation of ethyl ether. Further properties of other inhalation agents were studied — chloroform, and then and the halothane which opened itself an era of halogen containing inhalation anesthetics appeared. It is remarkable that all these drugs were forced out now by more modern and are practically not used.

COVID-19 infection quickly became a problem of global value and emergency situation in the field of health care. Today it is very important that cardiologists knew this pathology in its epidemiological, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects to have an opportunity better to cope with the arisen emergency situation by means of the protocols offered on the basis of exchange of experience.

Measurement of arterial blood pressure by an invasive method represents one of the most exact types of monitoring of a system hemodynamics which the ABP, and a condition of peripheric circulation allows to monitor in real time fluctuations as directly. Thanks to emergence and distribution of modern monitors, measurement of IAD is gradually included into routine clinical practice in the CIS countries, and in countries of Western Europe and the USA is not something outstanding for a long time. Wide use of modern disposable expendables allows to make process of catheterization of an artery and control of monitoring of IAD convenient for the doctor and the patient.

COVID-19 epidemic determined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the emergency situation in the field of public health care having the international value assumed a pandemic scale that WHO was announced on March 10, 2020. Fundamental measures of prevention and reduction of risk of infection as in a health care field, so in society, widely extend mass media. According to the available data, COVID-19 virus is transmitted between people at close contact in the airborne way therefore are most subject to risk of infection of the person, being in close contact and engaged in treatment and care of patients with COVID-19.

Respiratory filters are used when carrying out to patients of artificial ventilation of the lungs, an anesthesiology grant and other types of respiratory therapy. They are subdivided into heatmoisture exchange and barrier (bacterial and bacterial and virus). Besides, filters can combine several functions.

The Koronavirusny infection of 2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic. Now more than 200 million cases are diagnosed. Though most of patients with COVID-19 does not need a maintenance therapy, the acute respiratory distress syndrome at which patients need carrying out invasive IVL develops in 10–15% of cases. Artificial ventilation at patients with the coronavirus causing an acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) of heavy degree is characterized by the prolonged intubation and is connected with mortality worldwide at least at the level of 50–67%.

Low-stream anesthesia represents a technique of carrying out inhalation anesthesia (usually as a part of combined) at which the fraction of return of gas mix to a reverse contour makes not less than 50% of initially inhaled volume. In this regard incorrect definitions in which low-stream anesthesia is considered as inhalation anesthesia with a stream of fresh gas less than 2 l/min (on others — less than 1 l/min) as for patients with the low body weight (children of younger age) such stream will not lead to recirculation of respiratory mix are represented, therefore, low-stream such anesthesia cannot be considered.

The university medical center in New Orleans constructed after the hurricane Katrina has the section hall which conforms to modern standards according to the recommendations of the Centers for control and prevention of diseases of the USA and is intended for carrying out pathoanatomical opening of patients with the confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Researchers of this center prepared the report about morphological changes in bodies of patients at a new koronavirusny infection. In the report they report the results concerning cardiopulmonary complications; these results were received during the early four autopsiyny studies.

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