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Every year around the world there are more people with manifestations of dementia. These frustration are in a varying degree noted at a quarter of the population of the globe, and the tendency to growth proceeds. Thus around the world every year there will be more and more patients with cognitive frustration, up to dementia.

First of all defects of memory are noted, but they are perceived by patients as "usual inconvenience". It is clear, that the loader and the teacher will have various these manifestations at institute. However, all patients will have a difficulty in expression of the thoughts, emergence in the speech of filler words (the patient tries to replace the tears which dropped out of the line of the story in the statement). The interesting fact that Alzheimer's disease, and it is the most frequent reason of development of dementia, most often develops patients who have children with manifestations of hyperactivity and deficiency of attention. And at patients with the higher education and workers of brainwork dementia develops less often and proceeds in easier form. Perhaps, because of a regular training of a brain at intellectual loadings at the person the additional neural bonds allowing to compensate lost are formed. Besides, at people who have regular exercise stresses weak-mindedness develops also less often (at exercise stresses inflow of blood to a brain improves).

In recent years dementia quite often began to be noted after the postponed Kovid. At the same time not only at elderly patients, but also at young people. Most often these manifestations meet in cases if to the postponed infection there were already prerequisites to cognitive frustration: chronic hypoxia, excess food, hypodynamia, disturbances of a work-rest schedule, chronic sleep debt.

In the presence the patient has dementias, to him the first group of disability is, as a rule, made out it is termless. However according to standards of inspection, in case of difficult diagnostics, passing of stationary inspection is necessary. In practice all patients undergo such stationary inspection without fail. Today psychiatrists therefore also patients are forced to undergo stationary inspection on the eve of MSE in insane hospitals deal with issues of medico-social examination of patients with dementia. This fact causes a set of critical remarks from relatives and human rights activists. Helpless, confused patients in unfamiliar and, frankly speaking, uncomfortable conditions during this inspection are quickly and sharply deadapted and, often, orientations and self-services do not return to pre-hospital level in respect of intellectual-mnestic disturbances. In other words — before hospitalization still somehow was guided in the usual situation surrounding it, remembered names of the family (of course confused), and after stationary inspection turned into "vegetable".

In the future, after acceptance and the statement of MKB-11, dementia as a result of Alzheimer's disease will be carried to neurologic frustration, and other types: vascular, traumatic, not specified and will remain in group of organic mental disorders. And on today's all dementia belongs to mental disorders.

How it is possible to suspect dementia at himself and the relatives? The first manifestation of any dementia is decrease in memory, especially short-term (forgot where put points, keys, it is difficult to remember a name of the person during acquaintance). The attention when performing Kako goes down - or works, it is difficult for person to focus on a certain action. In mood indifference, apathy, unwillingness something prevails to do. And the patient can react to remarks irascibility, irritability, and sometimes even aggression. With dementia it is harder and harder to patient to make decisions (at first difficult, and then and simple), he begins to be at a loss in expression of the thoughts, does not find proper words to express the feelings and thoughts (evasion from communication, isolation will be defense reaction).

Large scientific research concerning treatment of Alzheimer's disease, dementia as a result of Alzheimer's disease and other disturbances leading to dementia was around the world conducted. Unfortunately, dementia pills did not find. Vitamins, amino acids, extracts from a brain of animals, nootropa, vascular drugs can improve a state, however it is not a panacea. Researches will continue in the field as early as many years, the importance of a problem is so high.

The group of scientists from Israel (the university of Tel Aviv) conducted a large-scale research on volunteers of advanced age with symptoms of dementia. Within three months these patients received an oxygen therapy. As a result of inspection after such course the blood stream around a brain improved for 20%, and tests showed improvement of memory for 16.5%. Thus it is confirmed that use of an oxygen therapy improves a condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease and slows down dementia. Of course, this is not about full treatment, but improvement of a state was documented.

Today the medical industry releases a large number of various oxygen concentrators, oxygen kokteyler both for medical institutions, and for house use. Thus it is possible to conduct prevention of dementia even independently, at home in the easy and harmless way.

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