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Every year patients who with great anticipation and hope wait for the chance of organ transplantation around the world only grows. Unfortunately, the number of operations on transplantology remains insufficient, and many patients just do not live up to operation, without having waited for treasured body. Within two last years in the conditions of a pandemic already the insufficient number of operations in offices of transplantology, decreased many times.

The centers for transplantology in Russia are obviously not enough. Only 1/3 part of regions in Russia have hospitals in which similar operations are performed. It should be noted that these offices are not engaged in withdrawal of donor organs. Donor organs are selected in hospitals of ambulance, in the offices rendering the emergency help, traumatologic offices. For example, the patient got to accident, his brain died, but the organism functions thanks to hardware support. In this case there can be a question of possible posthumous withdrawal of some bodies. Receiving donor material not less difficult operation which is carried out only by the trained staff bodies are stored and transported in special conditions in the mildest terms. It is even more time and forces legal side of a question borrows.

Though the law "About Organ Transplantation and (or) Tissues of the Person" No. 4180-1 of December 22, 1992 was repeatedly considered, supplemented, and even something changed in this law, in it there is a main principle: "The system of presumptive consent" according to which the person to a disease and the death has to record the disagreement on withdrawal of its bodies for transplantation. And if he did not make it, then by default he is a potential donor.

Besides, the decision is made by relatives of the dying patient who at this moment stay in a condition of the highest stress and adequately can think, of course, not. It is quite clear that in most cases relatives will be against any donorship.

And how the situation with transplantology in other countries is?

In Turkey today operations on transplantology are performed in 150 centers (in Russia 54 hospitals). The country is included into the three of the countries with the greatest number of transplantations, including on renal transplantation from living donors. The Turkish clinics perform operations and to patients of other countries. For last year in Turkey residents of 165 countries received the help of transplantologists! At the same time success of renal transplantation of 98%, and marrow of 91%. Annually in Turkey more than 5 thousand similar operations are performed (in Russia less than 2 thousand). Thanks to annual campaigns which are conducted for increase in education of the population and positive estimates of religious figures (your body does not belong to you, it belongs only to God), in Turkey the number of the registered donors exceeds half a million!

South Korea is famous not only for a large number of transplantations, but also the minimum duration of operations (some operations in Korea last 5 watch less, than similar in other countries). Besides, percent of successful transplantations and life expectancy of patients after operation in Korea the highest. In the medical centers of South Korea multiple scientific research is conducted, new techniques and approaches to treatment are developed, the latest technologies are used. In the leading clinics of South Korea doctors-transplantologists of almost all countries of the world are trained. So the Medical center Samsung has more than 200 thousand square meters of the area, includes 40 offices, 1500 beds for patients.

Germany — the country where the limited number of transplantations, first of all for legal reasons is carried out. In Germany withdrawal of body at the died patient is possible only in case of his written lifetime will or consent to donorship. In this case the person will carry with himself "the certificate of the donor" — the plastic card as for the ATM. Such certificates have more than 70% of Germans, at the same time 37% noted in them that they agree to organ donation. The German transplantologists deservedly are considered as some of the best in Europe as specialists. First of all at the expense of the modern equipment, the jewelry accuracy and accuracy inherent in Germans.

Many questions arise concerning distribution of donor organs, advance of patients in waiting list for change. Unfortunately, the myth about trade in bodies, about the dishonest doctors who are consciously bringing the patient to death with the purpose to take control of his bodies strongly was fixed in consciousness of Russians and to sell them for change. The reality looks differently: that donor material was suitable for the patient, coincidence of very large number of laboratory indicators, delivery periods of a donor organ, storage conditions, at last, a condition of the recipient is necessary. It is no secret, what the doctor will surely choose from two potential recipients of a donor organ stronger, safe, capable to undergo a heavy operation, to cope in the restoration period with many burdens.

For some reason about the postoperative period, lifelong administration of drugs, various restrictions in the patient's life with a donor organ nothing is told. There is an impression that after organ transplantation life fantastically will change and everything will get better at once. It is necessary to live up to organ transplantation only.

In our country of bodies for change catastrophically is not enough. Perhaps, it is connected with the fact that doctors and the clinics rendering the emergency help absolutely have no interest in development of service of donorship. Though there are some orders, but will be quieter than them not to execute, than to charge itself with a burden. Especially as for negative indicators such responsibility will not be. Here also people for years wait for the chance of life. And someone will also not wait.

It is logical that in the new law creation of the uniform register of potential donors and those who refused donorship after the death has to be accurately stipulated. Besides, the transparent, accurately executed register of potential recipients is necessary (people on the waiting list on change). It is necessary to provide training of the specialists capable to make selection of donor organs, to organize logistics and conditions of preservation of donor organs.

The new law on donorship in Russia is discussed more than 5 years. Unfortunately, it is still not adopted.

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