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The Koronavirusny infection of 2019 (COVID-19) about which it was for the first time reported in Wuhan, the Province of Hubei extended for extremely short time worldwide. The coronavirus of a heavy acute respiratory syndrome-2 (SARS-CoV-2) which way of distribution is transfer from the person to the person affected the numerous countries and turned into serious threat for the state of health of the population around the world. Due to the acute development and the fast progressing COVID-19 infection nature, at some patients extremely aggressive disease is observed, the acute respiratory distress syndrome develops.

Epidemiological researches showed that associated diseases are present more at seriously ill patients of patients, than at those which have easy symptoms of a disease. As the most widespread associated diseases, the cardiovascular diseases (CD) threaten in respect of failures to patients with COVID-19. So the assumption that at the patients having diseases of a cardiovascular system more severe form of a disease of COVID-19 infection for a short period develops is a question which requires attention.

In Wuhan the retrospective research with use of electronic medical cards was conducted. Studying of early clinical states at patients with SSZ to which the diagnosis of an infection of COVID-19 and providing criteria for delivery of health care at an early stage of clinical maintaining was made became the purpose of this research. In general, 663 patients who were hospitalized with the diagnosis of COVID-19 in National Hospital of Wuhan, the Wuhan university from January 11 to February 6, 2020 were included in this research. Patients with the uncertain diagnosis or incomplete information were excluded from this research for minimization of mistakes at assessment of results. The hospitalized patients, pulmonate symptoms of an infection of COVID-19, were also excluded from the real research because of unauthenticity of data in this group. Finally, the research included 541 patients with COVID-19 infection. The confirmed case of an infection of COVID-19 was defined as the positive take by method of polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription (OT-PTSR) corresponding to the epidemic anamnesis, clinical symptoms and radiographic results. All cases were analysed by three doctors.

Following the results of this research it was proved that diseases of a cardiovascular system are the most widespread chronic diseases at patients with COVID-19. In a research at first epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the patients having COVID-19 infection with SSZ were described, and the effect of SSZ was investigated further. This research proved that the patients with COVID-19 infection having SSZ have high probability of a severe disease and also probability of higher mortality. Especially it concerns those patients who at the same time have different types of SSZ. There are data that coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases were closely associated with failures within category SSZ.

Also this research defined that SSZ is the independent risk factor associated with development of an infection of COVID-19 to a critical state at an early stage. The patients with COVID-19 infection having the accompanying SSZ are more inclined to have the increased level of C-jet protein, a leukocytosis and a lymphopenia that demonstrates stronger inflammatory reaction. It is well known that the inflammatory syndrome and biomarkers, such as C-jet protein, are typical symptoms of cardial pathology and play an important role in development and the forecast of SSZ. For example, interferona and SILT-17 participate in increase in arterial blood pressure and can cause damage of bodies while SILT-6 and FNO considerably are associated with risks of arterial hypertension, steady against treatment. As independent predictive factors of cardiovascular complications it was shown that the leukocytosis and a lymphopenia are present during the progressing and destabilization of atherosclerosis. Also it was revealed that the hypertension is independent risk factor for critical patients and this question continues to be studied.

Thus, the cardiovascular diseases (CD) which are eurysynusic in population is also widespread diseases at patients with COVID-19, at this SSZ are independent risk factor for the heavy and critical course of this infection.

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